Pimping the Beast

Running Uphill. Pimping the Beast

This one is a little late.

Life gets in the way a lot at the moment.  It happens, and as a friend told me, “Ride the wave, you will be ok”.

I rid that damn wave, and took my frustration out on a run!

Remember that time last week when I told you about my run about going Up, Down and Around the Mount?

Well this time I ran around, up, down and around!  Adding another Kilometer to my run.

8k 28th July | On a Jam Hunt Blog

And when I say I ran “Up”, I actually ran Up a lot of it.  Whilst dying, but I shuffled my butt up quicker!

8k Charts | On a Jam Hunt Blog

Now, last time I boosted up from the base to the peak in 18 minutes, this time I did take 20, I ran in the afternoon instead of the morning, the weather was warmer and there were double the amount of people on the Mount.  It was hard to maneuver my way around.

I think once I start doing more than 12k on my long runs, I will have to change my venue, perhaps go out to TECT park if I have the time.

I was pretty chuffed with knocking out that 8k, however the first 3k felt like an uncoordinated mess!

My leg played up again!

So I ordered some 2XU compression socks to help with the circulation in my right calf – ankle – foot.  Hopefully it will help to reduce the strain on my lower leg muscles, reduce the likelihood of shinsplints and help to tidy up my form.
I am getting a bit tired of having this issue, so I am hoping it will bring me some better results.

In other news…

On the 1st of Aug, I am going full paleo for 31days.  Jessie, The Paleo Kiwi is setting himself the following objectives:


And we all know how I love a good challenge!

This works well with the current things I have going on, but I will have to go back to my book Paleo Diet for Athletes, just to make sure I don’t bonk on a long run.  This is something I am particularly concerned about, but will be sure to do all I can to nail it!


Over the drama of the weekend, and into a new and fresh week.

Coming back, and hitting it hard!

Ready to up the k’s a smidge,

Becoming Beast!

See you in a bit,

Jay 🙂


Measure me up! Pimping the Beast!

HEAPS of talk about how ‘BMI’ is a very outdated measure of your physical health or of a healthy body weight.  What the BMI fails to do is distinguish between lean muscle and fatty mass.

I have decided that a more appropriate system is a combo of weight and measurements.

Scales and Measure |On a Jam Hunt Blog

So after a very long time, I have taken down my measurements.  I look back to the last lot of measurements recorded on MFP, and it seems I am not too far off the progress I was making last time I was Pimping the Beast.

There are a few increases, but just as many decreases.  I am looking forwarded to making more progress!

Adding it to my ‘Plan’!

In other news…

Boot Camp tonight was…


I am sore in so many other places than the usual!  Dwayne shook it up and focused on Body weight exercises, using a lot of new muscle groups for me, or using the same but in a more intense way!

My Lats are paying!  and I know it will be doubly worse tomorrow…urgh!

In other other news…

My friend Becks got some exciting news!

She is a type 1 diabetic and has just been approved to be a recipient of an Insulin Pump.
This means a lot of her daily balancing of blood sugars is hugely simplified, this will be most helpful when she gets into some more challenging running action.
She has the biggest runners heart, the biggest heart in general, and I am ecstatically happy for her!  So happy I was in hyperdrive for like the first …10 mins of Boot Camp… the remaining 40 minutes kicked my butt! ha!

Anywho, that’s me for today,

How did you Pimp the Beast?

Give BootCamp a go maybe?

4k tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

Pimping the Beast – Clearing out Spaces

One of the first things I did last time that helped bunches was to clear out my spaces – refrigerator, pantry, other cluttered areas of my home.  Pretty much any space that visually wasn’t conducive to feeling good about smashing out the day.

As I take a look back at the post from last time I did this, it seems kinda silly that some of the contents of my fridge back then, still remains in there now!!  Perhaps, I should go back and look at ‘Use by’s’!

‘Clearing of spaces’ from last time – some of those Jars look familiar!

I have a lot of spaces to get sorted, namely my downstairs room that also serves as a gym’ish.  There is Equipment down there that needs tidying, assembling and organizing, mostly just to make sense of everything.

But for now, a pic of what I have accomplished today…

Clearing Spaces | On jam_hunt blog

It didn’t actually take me that long to get it back to a good state.  Funnily enough I didn’t actually have any Junk to get rid of, not one sweet tasting morsel in site!  Must be doing something right!

You may notice that my fridge is ‘Beer free’.  My husband bought a Booze fridge, so you can be assured that I am not totally insane ha!

I also cleaned out my children’s play room/Study – getting rid of toys that weren’t really age appropriate/were junk, Did a major cull on dressers and draws and un-cluttered my bedroom and hallway cupboard.  Progress!

Oh and last night as I was coming home from doing some shopping, there in my carport was a box that weighed a million ton.  Once I assemble it, I’ll let you know what it is and how secretly excited I am about it! – Oooo I kinda almost just gave it away! Eee!!

I still have a bunch of spaces in my house to clean and organise over the weekend, because I am still ill things don’t seem to be happening in much of a hurry.  Serious case of trouble breathing and crabby children!

So, when was the last time sorted you food spaces?

Maybe your next mission?

Have you started Pimping the Beast with me?

Not yet running (but still dreaming about it EVERY SINGLE MINUTE!),

Jay 🙂


Pimping the Beast: 2nd Edition

So if you have been around a while, you would remember the first time ‘I Pimped the Beast’ and the awesome results I got out of the whole process.

Well, I’m doing it again as an attempt to get myself through the the rest of the winter.

I think I have had a super bad case of the Winter Blues, and it doesn’t help that I have been sick for the majority of the first month of winter.

Perhaps the changes will help kick this ‘sick’ funk, but in any case if I can make it to spring with a better frame of mind, then my other goals will surely be more easily attained!

So for those newbies to my Blog, let me explain exactly what Pimping the Beast is…

Heard of that show ‘Pimp my Ride’?

It’s kinda like that.
You start where you are, make a plan and hold yourself accountable by sharing your changes/’something new’ with me (or blog about it )
That way you turn your ‘now’ self into a better awesomer version of yourself.

You become a better Beast… Hence the title Pimping the Beast!

Hopefully the changes you make and new good habits you form will stick with you to keep yourself on the good path.

So we are 8 weeks from spring, and I have figured that I will post a PTB post at least every third day, which means Aprox 19 new things/changes/improvements to plan for.

I’ve pre-planned all my awesome things and now I just need to plan how and when to execute.

Just to get some ideas of your own going, I have planned the following:

New recipes, foods, exercises…

As well as some other choice things – BootCamp goals, new health/fitness/running blogs and articles of interest,

Anyway hopefully this will inspire you to pimp your beast too, and make it through winter ready to rock spring and summer!

So, as with last time, I need you to comment with your changes/achievements/Pimping action!

Let’s do it,

Starting tomorrow – Saturday, who says changes only happen on a Monday! YEOW!

Still sick, so not so much running,

But getting the show on the road!

Come with me!

Jay 🙂

The time I sucked LESS!

Yup, I sucked less tonight at BootCamp.

How much less?  Let us see…

The feeling of needing to throw up Last week – 3, this week – 0

Wall sits maintained last week – 0 Out of 3, this week – 2 Out of 3

Breaking the Plank last week – A million times (I don’t think I even got it up…in a PLANK way!!), this week only twice!!

I managed to keep a decent speed with ok form during most of the UB Strength circuit.

So I would say that is Progress!

All for the greater good anyway,

Bring on Tarawera!

5k run tomorrow morning, gotta get loose!

Getting back into the swing of this blogging thing,

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

Jay 🙂


So this is happening…

Tarawera Relay Confirmation
I have been going on and on about it for like the last year and a half.

Now it is just a little more official!

Time to step this shit up a notch!

I will be relaying an 85km distance with a friend – Glenn, the guy that twisted my arm!




How much excitement is going through my head at the moment… still haven’t decided.

How much ‘holy shit’ is going through my head at the moment… TONS!

Tomorrow is the first day of getting serious with myself.  But in the funnest way possible.

Lets get amongst it!

Still running,

and then running some more,

and then some more,

Jay 🙂

Race Report: AMI Wellington Round the Bays 2014

The 'Eff' Word

That is me finishing!  As you can tell, I was saying the ‘F’ Word, HA!

Sunday was amazing!

There was not one single moment of the event that I did not enjoy.  I embraced and lived every minute of it.

You could safely say that I am addicted to long distance running!

No nerves, just excitement all the way leading up.  The only thoughts I had running through my mind were ones of anticipation – of seeing how I would do on the day.

So let’s rewind back to the start so I can tell ya all about it!

We check in to our hotel room, 500 metres from the start line, at 2pm Saturday afternoon.  There was still plenty of day left so I got my race day gear ready before any more excitement was to be had.
This would serve as a semi holiday for me as Hubby and I were childfree for the weekend.  This really helped me get into ‘Race day’ zone.  It also helped to relax me for what I was about to do.  I know if I had to travel a 6 hour car trip with my children then organise them for the day during my run, I would constantly be worrying about my next step as a mum, and not so much the next step as a runner.

Race kit was good to go.  It was time for a few beverages a little bit of wandering around the Wellington CBD and then a spot of dinner before a bit of a chin wag with the Family.

I posted pre-race dinner pics on the last post.  I don’t know how dad does it.  Beersies before race day, not a good look on me, unless I want to deal with the dry’s for 21.1!

Bed time came around 10ish.  I made a point not to go to be too early, I knew I would just roll around in bed forever and not get any sleep at all.

Typically, I woke up before the alarm went off so I jumped on FB for a bit before getting out of bed.

A shower before bed the night before meant that all I had to do was change and organise my nutrition for the day.

For my nutrition – 1pkt Sports beans (only ate about a quarter of the bag), Honey Stingers x2 and 1ltr of Strawberry Lemonade Nunn

My decision for the nutrition I chose was based on the last 3 long runs on the 3 previous Sundays.  For the first one I ran sports beans only.  The second (being my longest) just a waffle.  The last, Beans and waffle,  the combo worked well and I had little to no fatigue.

I wore my UltraAspire Hydration pack as I have never been too keen on Powerade.  The Nuun seemed to work well on all my training runs, plus later in the race I would be glad that I took an extra litre of fluid with me.

I would like to run with less, but I am currently not fit enough or fast enough to cut it down.  I played it safe and took more than what I probably needed.

It was 7.30am when we left the hotel.  The few hundred metres to the start chute was filling in with drips and drabs of participants for the Half and the 10km events.

26.02.2014 003

It was about 7.50am when we started piling into the chute and a long drawn out 15 minutes to the Start Gun as the Start Time was pushed out another 5 mins to clear the last little bit of traffic.

At this time I didn’t have much going through my head.  I was mostly thinking about how quickly/slowly the crowd would move over the Start Line, and how many seconds/minutes it would actually take for me to get there.  Still no nerves at this stage, I just wanted to get started with the plan.


It was start time, it took me around a whole minute to get to the Start Mat.  As I walked over it the air just filled with that familiar sound.  Garmin’s and other GPS devices alerting their timers to be started.  Hearing that flood of ‘beeps’ made me laugh a little inside, at the same time I felt like I was right where I needed to be.  I was at home in the race, and it had only just begun!

The first 500 metres was where most effort had to be paid to finding a clear line and being able to run it.  I hadn’t really warmed up, so this first k would serve as my warm-up.  It was about 30 secs faster than my usual pace and about a whole minute faster than my warm-up pace.  Getting out of the way/finding a clear line was proving harder than I thought to not make that rookie mistake.

For the next 8k my rookie mistake would remind me in every step that I should have warmed-up properly!  “Shin splints”!

But I knew they wouldn’t last, I just had to get warm and tidy up my form.  Too bad it took me 8k to do so ha!

The first 6k – Oriental Parade and Evans Bay were really lovely, this is where there were still some residential houses and apartment buildings nestled in close to the bays bordering banks.  Then came a few commercial business block’s before the finish line for the 6.5’ers.

Our direction pulled us left toward Shelley Bay.  Before reaching Shelley Bay we would pass the Wellington Airport, of which bought back childhood memories of seeing huge planes flying so close overhead.

I was so happy with the Weather Gods at this stage.  We had had a strong wind pushing from behind on the way down the initial 6.5k, then there was not much until we got closer to Shelley Bay.  Sun was out, but it was cool.  The Bays hills provided some grateful shade and we didn’t need to worry about any harsh sun until we came back from turn around point.

We past halfway point, unfortunately no 10k PR’s for me to be had on this day.

My official Halfway time – 1:12:55.

In my head I made sure to remind myself that anything past this mark was deemed to be the “ass-end” of it all.

I felt good, I was in my zone, and transcendence in a place like that was so damn easy I forgot most of the time that I was actually ‘racing’.

Actually, I would have my mind out of my body for most of the Run.  So far everything was going according to plan.  In fact I had run a little faster than I wanted, so I knew that there was no chance of negative splits today. The second half of the race would almost certainly be longer than the first.

At roughly the 14k point was the turn around.  A Marshall about 2 bays back said the turnaround was just around ‘that’ corner…
…3 corners later!!

We headed back and crossed the Half Way Mat again.  We were definitely on the ‘ass-end’.

At the 17k point I was starting to feel a little tired.  It was the first sign of fatigue, and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before the fuel that I had been eating up until now was not going to make much difference to the pain that I was inevitably going to feel.

AMI Round the Bays 2014

I actually felt like I ate the whole entire time.  Every 20 mins I ate a third of a Waffle, they gave us jet planes at about 3.5k mark, I ate 2 of those, and then by the 18k mark I started digging into the Sport Beans.  I was just looking for any kind of sugar high at that point, anything to stop my mind thinking about the increasing aches in my hip flexor area, and in my knees.

At around 19k I would start to feel it in my quads.  From here I could see the end.  It was a bit of a tease and I couldn’t decide at the time whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that we could see it so clearly from 3k away!

Dad had been so cheerful and enthusiastic the whole way.  He was still cheerful at this point, it was kinda getting to me haha!  In fact Dad had been running the whole time every now and then pitching in his idea of what he was having for dinner that night…
…I was just worried about getting out of the Race alive!

Shelley Bay

21.1k clicked over on my Garmin and I still couldn’t see the Finish Line signs.  I had a wee bit of a ‘wtf’ moment wondering what was going on, or whether the GPS I had was not correct, or even that I had run the whole entire outside of the course.

It confused the shit out of me, and as your mind and body relax because of the 21.1 click over, everything after that starts to piss you off.

We turned into the last little stretch before the Finish Chute.  To top off the frustration about the extra 600 metres in the run, I had paced myself exactly where the bulk of the 6.5k walkers would reach the finish as well.  I felt like I ran extra just to take the far side of each corner and straight to dodge all the walkers sprawled out with strollers and children.


I knew that this was their day too, so I didn’t get mad about it, I just did my best to weave it through, there were little places where I could keep my speed up and I am pretty sure that at one point I came to a complete stop.  Not what I had imagined/dreamed up for my first Half Marathon Finish.

I came in with 2:32:58 on My Garmin.  The exact same time recorded for me using Time Chip.

I was really happy with what I had done.  I had left everything I had out on that 21.7k and I was elated to a point that took a good half hour to come down from.

Unfortunately for Jared it didn’t show physically or audibly.  I felt so close to death that I needed to be with myself for about 10 minutes or so as to not bite any ones head off.  I was in pain and I felt the blood rapidly pooling to my legs, I just couldn’t talk and I couldn’t stop walking.

I didn’t know what to do with myself, I just wanted to sit down, but my legs were pooling in such a way that it hurt to be stationary.

Finally I gave up on the fight with myself and crashed out on the ground.  Jared handed me my chocolate milk, still semi-frozen and I lay there chugging for dear life.

It was over, I was done, and there was no more distance to run.

I finished!


No spot prizes or placing prizes for me, but to run my first Half Marathon in a place like this was more than I could hope for.  My dad, had kept my pace the whole entire way.  He had enjoyed the slower pace, as it meant that he could appreciate the surroundings more than if he were to Race.

Thanks Dad, for your run-along support.  The first of many I am sure!

Huge Thanks to Jared too, for without him my legs may not have recovered as quickly.  The tents for massage were full so he rubbed my legs down while I quietly died in a puddle of my own exhaustion.


The rest of the day was spent with Wellington friends and too much Beer, A feast of a dinner and an early night’s sleep!

I look back now and think that there was nothing I could have done differently, nothing I would have done differently and that every single little step was according to a plan I had been dreaming up 4 months ago!  Everything was as it should have been and I enjoyed every single second of it, even the ones where I just wanted it to be done.

Medal time!

Love my Barefoot Inc Socks!


There is no limit to what can be achieved.  If you want it bad enough, if you make a plan to win, there is no reason why you won’t get there.
Ever hear that guy/girl tell you that you too could run a Half Marathon – believe them, they are right!

Wellington, you were great!

Still Running,

Jay 🙂

P.S. The actual distance of the Lenco Half Marathon Event was 21.7k.  There was an accidental extra 600 metres chucked in there.  The provided calculator from AMI to figure out my actual 21.1k time…


Sub 2:30 BABY!!!  Woop Woop!

One Year Ago…

…I took my first official recorded run.

It was the hardest run of my life!

My stats this time last year – 3.07 km completed 27.57 mins at 9’04″pace at dirty 6:10 am!

Since that day I have started c25k 3 separate times, I have finished it a total of 1 time,
I have competed in 4 events (Race Reports),
I have run my longest distance of 15 km over trail terrain,
I have run 761 recorded kilometres over 146 runs,
I have run in Stupidly hot conditions/Freezing cold mornings/Stormy Thundery weather,
I have run with a group of random people that I have met for the very first time,

MFP Buddies Ekiden | On a Jam Hunt Blog
I have run with a regular running buddy (Amy),

I have run as a zombie, I have run in a dress, I have run as a Turtle,

I have started a running group and have helped 3 lovely ladies to each run a full 5km distance,
I have met some very influential and inspiring people,
I have lost over 10kg from being more active,
I have never before said the acronym YOLO so many times in relation to running,

I have never before in my life believed in myself so surely and so assertively than right now in this very moment!

I am awesome and I want everyone to know it!

The thing is, you too can be as awesome if not more awesome than I am right now!

It doesn’t take too much, it just takes the right attitude and a mind that wont talk you out of doing something crazy.

One Year Anniversary | On a Jam Hunt Blog

Make some crazy decisions, form some silly plans, do some epic shit, fill your life with memorable moments, meet some total strangers, enter an event you think you may just die trying, find some mutual crazies, go forth and be a force of the awesome!

Do it all and repeat!

Celebrate with Beer and Pie!


Run on,

Jay 🙂

Damn Arch’s! On Pimping the Beast!

So two days post 14k and my Arch’s are a bit niggly!


I am Rolling!  Rolling my Arch’s.  I have also spent a good amount of time with my legs in the air! lol

Every chance I get I am on my back elevating my feet.

Tomorrow I am going to run.

I follow the Expat Runner Blog written by the Irish Nomad.  She also suffers from Posterior Tibial Tendonitis.

On the advice from her Physio, she was ordered to run 15k!  So after some deep massage and ankle stretches off she went.

Tomorrow I will be following that same advice. Except not the “15k” bit ha!  Just an easy 5k for me, with or without the children.

Actually now that I think about it, last time that my arch pain flared up, I ran on it days later and it seemed to actually help it.  This Akmal (Expat Runners Physio) must be on to something!

Today consisted of some casual walks with the children, some baking, some gardening and cleaning the interior and exterior of the car.  Of course I am not just going to do nothing with my day, even though my feet are achey.

But I am wondering whether I will eventually need to seek some professional advice about my Arch’s.  They are starting to annoy me!  I may have to deal with an orthotic!

Unfortunately this will be my last ‘Pimping the Beast’ post.  I am still going to concentrate on losing that last 1.9kg, and keeping within my daily calories.  I will still be continuing to do a Leg day every week, and also my dates with Jillian for Ab’s.

I am just running out of time to do everything that needs to be done leading up to Christmas.  My children turn 2 in just 4 weeks – this requires an elaborate party! (We are not having any more children, so these birthday parties need to count! ha!), then we go away camping for a week and a half (yes, with 2 year old toddlers!), Back for Christmas, Then travelling for 3-4 hours for a 40th, then New years… all while training for a Half Marathon.

I am looking forward to every single mad moment of it!


What do you have planned for the rest of the year?  Any loose ends that need tidying up?  Any Mileage goals to meet before the New Year?  How about starting some training to come run the Wellington Round the Bays with me?

I’ll still be around, blogging my awesomeness, and not so awesomeness!

Still bringing the Beast,

Jay 🙂


Recovery! On Pimping the Beast!

I went to bed last night, mildly achey in the hammys, glutes and calves area.  It actually took me some time to fall asleep simply because I was trying to get comfortable.

This morning I woke up surprisingly refreshed.  Very little pain, mostly just tightness, however mid morning I felt very tired.

After playgroup with my children this morning, it was home for lunch and then bed for the kids.  I went to bed too!

After getting in about an extra hours sleep, I woke up feeling slightly better, but of course, still stiff!

So today I did a little of this…

Along with the regular Yoga Practice for Runners.

I have tried Yoga a couple of times before after a hard run, it seems to work well.  Its relaxing and helps me get a little more loose.

I haven’t eaten the best today, I have been SO FREEKING HUNGRY! it is crazy!  But I am not feeling ill, so there is an upside!

Tomorrow I will take the children for a walk.  No running for me though 🙂

Not much for Pimping the Beast, more like Recovering the Beast!

What about you?  How do you like to relax?  What do you do to help recover your body?

See you tomorrow,

Jay 🙂