
Measure me up! Pimping the Beast!

HEAPS of talk about how ‘BMI’ is a very outdated measure of your physical health or of a healthy body weight.  What the BMI fails to do is distinguish between lean muscle and fatty mass.

I have decided that a more appropriate system is a combo of weight and measurements.

Scales and Measure |On a Jam Hunt Blog

So after a very long time, I have taken down my measurements.  I look back to the last lot of measurements recorded on MFP, and it seems I am not too far off the progress I was making last time I was Pimping the Beast.

There are a few increases, but just as many decreases.  I am looking forwarded to making more progress!

Adding it to my ‘Plan’!

In other news…

Boot Camp tonight was…


I am sore in so many other places than the usual!  Dwayne shook it up and focused on Body weight exercises, using a lot of new muscle groups for me, or using the same but in a more intense way!

My Lats are paying!  and I know it will be doubly worse tomorrow…urgh!

In other other news…

My friend Becks got some exciting news!

She is a type 1 diabetic and has just been approved to be a recipient of an Insulin Pump.
This means a lot of her daily balancing of blood sugars is hugely simplified, this will be most helpful when she gets into some more challenging running action.
She has the biggest runners heart, the biggest heart in general, and I am ecstatically happy for her!  So happy I was in hyperdrive for like the first …10 mins of Boot Camp… the remaining 40 minutes kicked my butt! ha!

Anywho, that’s me for today,

How did you Pimp the Beast?

Give BootCamp a go maybe?

4k tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

Dreading the REST DAY – Pimping the Beast

Last week – my first week of my training plan, went really well.  I capped it off with a treadmill (DREADMILL) run of 2k as recovery.

DREADMILL Recovery Run |On a Jam Hunt Blog


I am not too keen on the Treadmill, but it is the only way I can get in a run on a Sunday seeing as half the year I am a solo-parent.  I use my Mother-in-laws treadmill while I visit for dinner on Sunday’s.

I feel really confident going forward with my training plan.  My fitness after just one week is not too bad.

Also when I remember back to my training for Round the Bays Half Marathon, I thought back to the times when my faith in my plan dwindled and the great nervousness I felt about attempting my long runs.
I think again about how I felt once completing those long runs and how I managed to complete every last thing that was required of me from the training plan.
I remember about how surprised I was about the huge distance I had just covered on my Long Runs and how my faith was restored in my plan every time that Sunday run came around.

It is so important to keep that faith!

Anywho, enough about last week,

Lets hear about this week!

Monday and Friday are REST Days.  After last week, I have become very nervous about Rest days, especially where my calorie intake is concerned.
Those runs and my activeness during non-rest days seem to help keep my head in the game and my hunger at bay (except after a hard run – then I want to EAT ALL THE THINGS!)
Rest days are a bit tougher, you don’t have that extra burned Cal to consume and you have to keep to the plan by not running i.e. time on your feet engaging leg muscles that require recovery.

So I have come up with a plan, one that works out quite well where my performance is concerned.

I am dedicating my Rest days to strength – in particular Core strength and when I can, Upper Body strength.

I have a Tabata timer app on my phone which cycles 8 x 20 secs of Action with 10 secs rest in between.

Tabata Time Finish | On a Jam Hunt Blog Tabata Timer Cycles | On a Jam Hunt Blog Tabata App | On a Jam Hunt Blog


Today I did 4 different ab exercises (4 exercises @ 20 sec intervals x 2 – totaling 8 intervals), ones that I do at Boot Camp…



Pilates 100's

Pilates 100s

V Crunch

V Crunch

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

I also set my alarm at 6 times during the day – just at times when I know I will have time to drop and get down to bust these out.

Ab Alarms


Hopefully I will see some improvement in my Core Strength at BootCamp, which is where I will be measuring it.  I usually suck at BootCamp doing the Ab portion of exercises so if I see any improvement, I will definitely see it there!

Needless to say, I am pretty sore right now… lets hope the DOMS don’t come to haunt me!

So that is my REST day plan.  I really want to maybe take up swimming, but that will have to wait for next year (when I will have care for the children).

What do you do on your Rest Days?

Do you fret too about having to avoid your regular exercise routine?

Bring on Run Day tomorrow!


Jay 🙂


Visual Goals – Pimping the Beast!

Ok, so don’t get all judgey on me for what you are about to see lol

I am a big organisational freak when I put some energy into things, and what I like is to see my results as they unfold.

I guess you could say its something of a Motivational Board, but really, it is just my Plan to Win!  When I say ‘Win’, what I actually mean is “Not Die”!

I have mentioned everything here, from Goal weights (not that I am too focused on this anymore), to my Official Training Plan.

Having my plan in front of my face every day keeps me focused on what I need to do to get to my goals.

I am a bit of a Geek, I will admit it, but I am determined to be Awesomer, and I know deep down inside that if I don’t have a strict plan then I wont achieve, and I wont be a happy camper.  Talk about PRESSURE!

There is also a little chaos induced anxiety when I don’t have things all systematic.  I feel like I am out of control and not on track, so to make this a positive process, I need it all planned out.

And, because I am a stay at home mum, I have to make sure that I am a mum first, and a runner second, so I even have a ‘Care’ plan for my kids, I don;t like to leave things to chance and last minute rush decisions.  So I pretty much have my next 6 months set out before me!

Believe you me, this may seem pretty pedantic, but without planning all the finer details, I cannot relax about getting my self to the Start Line.

So excuse my poor photos… I haven’t yet got it all up on the wall…

Weight Chart | On a Jam Hunt Blog Training Plan | On a Jam Hunt Childcare Plan | On a Jam Hunt


Now, as I said up there, I have taken the focus off Weight-loss for a bit.  I have actually been quite haphazard with my diet, I have lost weight in the last week, but I have stopped focusing on it so much.
In all honesty, I still haven’t got my ‘mojo’ back.  I don’t have the motivation to keep my days 100% to my initial plan, and this stresses me out!  So I am taking a load off and keeping it simple by just making sure I get 1 or 2 of my meals 100% to plan, and no after dinner eating!
If you are following me on Twitter, you would know how much I have been whinging about cupcakes and ice cream!  I whinge about it, but I have not yet eaten any of it, bleh!

My training plan for TUM (Tarawera) starts from today.  Its actually more just a Marathon Plan with about 8 or so weeks tact on to the front of it to keep myself gradually working upward in k’s.
Since having this damn chest infection and flu (Or whatever it was), I am really behind in my fitness.  Actually almost back at square one as I hadn’t quite got my shit together in the weeks before I got sick.

I missed out on the First of my Buffalo Trail series runs.  I’ve been crook for like forever, and last week was the toughest week of it.  But not to worry, I still have 1 more run on the 16th August, 12km, I should be ready by then to give it a good go!


It’s dinner time, and I have just finished Bootcamp, that means I am SUPER HUNGRY and want to EAT ALL THE THINGS!

I’ll catch you in a bit,

Tomorrow I run!


Jay 🙂


A more ‘Primal’ kind of life.

So as you could probably guess from the title, I have decided to try my hand at going…

Couply reason’s for my dietary change, I will explain these here…

1.  I was always tired!
As a stay at home with twins that sleep a full 10-12 hours at night, you would think that I had ample time to get that beauty sleep in.  I did/do.  Except I would wake up every morning after 7+ hours sleep feeling like I hadn’t slept a wink.  I couldn’t understand why I was feeling so lethargic throughout my entire day and even a midday nap would not change anything.

2.  Not getting enough of the good stuff.
My up and down and all around style of diet, while being able to get away with it during my Half Marathon training, was not going to be helping with a continued weight loss, a focus I had put on hold during my training.  I thought that this would be a way to force myself into getting more of the good stuff in, and less of the other stuff.

It seems my plan has worked, and has stuck!

In fact, it is probably one of the only changes I feel like I could keep and maintain.

Let me tell you why…

No more cravings! – Since starting a week and a half ago, I have not craved one morsel!  I am a cake eater from way back, but never had that thought crossed my mind.  I don’t have strong sugar cravings, and pastry was on my list of LURVES, but nope, none of that either!
I will say though, that the only thing that I crave is a ‘bread texture’ (not bread itself) in my nut breads as they end up being more like cake.

I have yet to feel hungry. – I probably don’t eat as much as I should, but most of this comes down to my organisation to get more paleo approved foods into me.  As they usually require some kind of preparation or cooking I find myself running out of time to get a bit more balance in there.  However, this has not led to me feeling hungry.  I eat and I get full and am good till the next meal.  No hunger pains in between like I have found with other dieting methods.  I am also 2+kg’s down from when I started transitioning the change.

Alert and energetic. – I can go my whole day without feeling lethargic and tired.  My concentration is better because I am not tried and I have become more productive because of this.

More freedom. – Before, in order to lose the weight I would count my calories religiously.  And while this did produce some good results in itself, I felt it restricted me to an extent.  I felt like I was always having to miss out on things and I often was left unsatisfied.  Yes, with a Paleo diet you are restricted as to what food groups you can eat, but I have not once ‘felt‘ restricted – I have not felt hungry and I have not craved.
I still log my foods as I go through out my day, but I listen more to what my body says than what the Calorie counter tells me.  I do this just to see what I am actually eating over the course of the day, and the app consolidates the nutritional information for me, so I know what to work on.
I eat as much or as little as I want and am still satisfied.

A physically clean feeling. – I cleaned out my pantry!  Mostly due to a small moth infestation meaning I had to throw out everything that was open.  These were mostly things that I could not continue to have on such a diet, so it was no big loss (except a monetary one).  Now my pantry is stocked with all the things we need and none of the things that we don’t.  I am a bit OCD in the fact that if my areas do not feel tidy, orderly and spacious I feel like my world is slightly (entirely) out of control.  It visually appeals and so I am naturally happier!

It is working for my kids. – They go down to sleep better.  I was struggling beforehand to get them to settle in a good bedtime routine, they would play another 1-2hours after I had said goodnight and shut the door.  Now when it is lights out, it literally is lights out.  They are also behaving better during the day, they don’t fight as much, and they play and investigate more.  Now as a mum of 2 year old toddlers, this is just F’ing amazing!

And so with the good, comes the not so good…

It does require a hefty load of planning! – Cutting out entire food groups means that you are restricted in what you eat.  Making things that taste good is usually the aim of the game, so when you do take those restricted foods out it does sometimes make things tricky.  But with some planning, research and careful thought it can work out fine and will eventually become habit.

You are restricted. – So, here are some good links to find out the do’s and don’ts of the paleo world.
An Ultimate Paleo GuideA simple straight forward paleo guide and a Paleo guide with a little humor thrown in.
I think you need to go into this change with an open mind, and slowly transition into it to make it stick.  Once you get the hang of it, you never feel like you actually miss out and you kind of feel rewarded intrinsically when making the better choices.

My children wont go full paleo. – Until a time where I have got things under control with my paleo diet unfortunatly there are some things that my children will still eat.  As I said before, it does take a lot of preparation to get it right and for the moment because it isnt entirely natural for me I tend to run out of time to try all the recipes to replace what they currently eat.

So… a few little tips for anyone thinking of trying it

PINTEREST!  Get one, and start pinning recipes, guides, tips, information, everything!  It is literally a life saver when it comes to normalising in a paleo world.

Research, Plan and Prepare.  You need to make time for this, seriously!  It may be a lot of time at the beginning, but it is an investment, and it will slowly get easier and quicker.  I plan my entire week on a chart making sure to cover every single meal.  It helps with grocery shopping, and you actually find that you can save money planning meals wisely.

Change your way of thinking.  For example, I am having a hard time replacing Bread with a more Paleo bread.  Instead, I have resorted to the fact that It wont happen, or wont happen to the same expectation you get from a normal slice of bread.  Instead change.  Change your meal concept, change your thoughts about if you really need bread, replace bread with something that isn’t bread at all.  Be open to change and be positive about it.

Transition into it.  As of yet, there are still small changes I need to make, but these changes are going to be easier for me to do because I am slowly phasing things out and introducing new things in.  You don’t do yourself any favours by going cold turkey, make it a positive change and not a resentful one!

Now if you have made it to the end of this post, I thank you!  I know it isn’t always an attention grabber when talking about diet, especially one that initially seems so radical.

I am not asking for everyone to go out there and try it.  If what you are doing is working for you, go hard with it, but if you are looking for a change, go ahead and try it.  It is the most natural thing once you get the hang of it, and I know if you just give it a stab, I am sure you will receive the same results as I have.

Thanks for reading,

And yup, I’m still running,

Jay 🙂

P.S. Finally added another song to my Beasty Playlist, go on over and have a look by clicking here!!!

Another Anniversary – something Awesome to run for!

WordPress Anniversary

Today is my WordPress Anniversary.

I have officially committed to writing here for One Whole Year!

I must write something because of this…

Now I don’t claim to be a great writer, in fact I am usually all over the place with my posts most times.  But I love to write and share my experiences, I also love to read and follow others to.

There is something to be said about finding a like in someone else and seeing how they experience what they do in their own ways.  “Same’s” excite me!  It means that I don’t have to do this thing alone, as I do with a lot of other stuff in my life.

Writing has actually added to my Health and Fitness, in a way that actually makes it exciting.  I am also held accountable, not to others, but more to myself.
I have changed my main view point of my blog from losing weight to Distance Running.  And I am well on my way to being able to one day compete in an Ultra.

I think its a great tool if you can commit and write in a way that others will find easy to digest and be entertained.

I don’t know if I do any of those things, but I keep on keeping on anyway.

Thank you to everyone who has followed me to date, My journey is a lot more Awesome with you tagging along.

Life can often become stale and mundane if you let it, having a blog forces you to go out and find something great to write about, in turn adding valuable experience!

Life can only be done once and we need to get this through our fat heads every single day! (or skinny heads, if you have one of those)

So I encourage those who follow me and who I follow, to keep writing and reading!  Be honest and be passionate.


Go Run some,

It is good for you!

Jay 🙂

10k PR Selfie

P.S.  I don’t Selfie very much, I am not up to the play with all the cool kids on how to get an awesome ‘Self-pic’.  This is the best I could come up with, and actually means more because I had just come out of the pouring rain, back from my 10k PR, BOOM!  Duck Face that!!!

One Year Ago…

…I took my first official recorded run.

It was the hardest run of my life!

My stats this time last year – 3.07 km completed 27.57 mins at 9’04″pace at dirty 6:10 am!

Since that day I have started c25k 3 separate times, I have finished it a total of 1 time,
I have competed in 4 events (Race Reports),
I have run my longest distance of 15 km over trail terrain,
I have run 761 recorded kilometres over 146 runs,
I have run in Stupidly hot conditions/Freezing cold mornings/Stormy Thundery weather,
I have run with a group of random people that I have met for the very first time,

MFP Buddies Ekiden | On a Jam Hunt Blog
I have run with a regular running buddy (Amy),

I have run as a zombie, I have run in a dress, I have run as a Turtle,

I have started a running group and have helped 3 lovely ladies to each run a full 5km distance,
I have met some very influential and inspiring people,
I have lost over 10kg from being more active,
I have never before said the acronym YOLO so many times in relation to running,

I have never before in my life believed in myself so surely and so assertively than right now in this very moment!

I am awesome and I want everyone to know it!

The thing is, you too can be as awesome if not more awesome than I am right now!

It doesn’t take too much, it just takes the right attitude and a mind that wont talk you out of doing something crazy.

One Year Anniversary | On a Jam Hunt Blog

Make some crazy decisions, form some silly plans, do some epic shit, fill your life with memorable moments, meet some total strangers, enter an event you think you may just die trying, find some mutual crazies, go forth and be a force of the awesome!

Do it all and repeat!

Celebrate with Beer and Pie!


Run on,

Jay 🙂

Life is so Good!

Yesterday I had my 6 weekly visit to the Chiropractor.

Ever since carrying the twins in the later stages of my pregnancy I have had really bad hip pain.

Today I am pain-free!

At Life Chiropractic their mantra is “Life is so Good!  And they are right!

I have been seeing Dr Matt Short for a little over a year now and have had nothing but encouraging results with both treatment and advice.  This advice always streams outside of what would be regular chiropractic advice too.  Especially to do with my running.

Yesterday morning I strolled on in, sat down and waited for Matt.  “Ok, standing up, facing the window… Posture is GREAT!”
“Soft clicks”, “no clunking”, “you are doing great!”

These are all encouraging words!  I am doing great!

Anyway, Matt always asks what is coming up for me now, or what do I have planned with my running next.  To which I replied, “Oh I just have a 15k trail this weekend and I am in training for my Half”

“That’s awesome!”

A few bits and pieces about nutrition were mentioned to me – how to fuel appropriately, and then a bill of health/healthy spine was issued in the form of… “Well I don’t think we will need to see you in 6 weeks, we will make it 2 months”

My heart sang on the inside, I am not broken, and am doing great!

I was given more homework from Matt, of which I would need to keep working on, stretches etc, I now feel like I am no longer that beginner runner that is constantly feeling like they’re being/getting injured and that maybe running is not for them!  It has not been the easiest road considering the excess weight I carried and the many pains that I developed from going about ‘running’ all the wrong way!

Now – I my farthest distance is 14k, I can run non-stop for just under an hour without stopping to walk and I am roughly 5-6kg from being at what I would call my Goal weight (not necessarily my healthy BMI). YES!

Anyway, Onward and Upwards (Upwards with the miles, downwards with the pounds!)

I Just want to Run group today, Day 2 Week 8 – 28 mins continuous for the the ladies.  One last day after today for the running group and then 5k Graduation run…. 1 week exactly from today!  Exciting!!

Virtual 5k Bib - Copy

Remember to Run along Virtually with us, these ladies have come a long was and have stayed committed!  That deserves support and recognition!

Life is so Good!

Go out there and get some!!

Run on,

Jay 🙂

P.S. 2 sleeps to the big 15!! Woop Woop, Looking forward to the Post-Pie and Beer! Boom!

A Loss! but still Rubbish! On Pimping the Beast!

I am still feeling like rubbish!  I am awake and I am able to be attentive for the entire day, But I am tired and am stuck in that funk right between ‘Feeling Tired’ and ‘Feeling Sick’.  I am both of those things, but not quite, if that makes any sense?

Today I jumped on the scales, even though it is not official weigh-in.  I am weighing every fortnight, and because I weighed last week, I need to wait again till next Monday.  I did not wait. Goh!

I have achieved a loss of 300 grams, which is awesome!  But I feel like shit!  I am officially into the 74th Kilogram, but because I feel horrible, I haven’t quite got excited about it!

I have a few theories…

I may have an Iron deficiency – I kinda doubt it because I have been eating spinach like no bodies business, but at the same time, I have lowered my red meat intake, instead I have been hitting up fish and chicken.It may or may not be this, but as a lady… who experiences ‘Lady Days’ this may well be the root cause.

I may not be eating enough – Today I went on to MFP to check my settings.  It was set to ‘Lightly Active’.  I hardly think that I am just ‘Lightly’ Active, I am doing something everyday for a lot of the day so I bumped it up to “Active” instead, this gives me an extra 100 cals a day, not that I feel I need it, I am satisfied as I am, but we will give it a whirl.  There are also activities that I don’t log that maybe I should?  Stuff like the windows I am stripping, that is pretty freeking physical, Mowing the lawns, Stationary biking for 5mins!?! Hardly Counts!, Some of the Weight training I do – in my mind it doesn’t feel like I have exherted enough energy for it to even count, walks that I take almost daily – again I don’t feel like I am exhert myself much at all.  Maybe I should be logging these, but then I have a fitbit, so it kinda does it for me anyway…

My macros may be off – I don’t get too much into this, because I just don’t have enough knowledge to know what is right.  But perhaps on my run days I am not eating enough Carbs.  I know I eat plenty, shit I eat a sandwich almost everyday, I freeking love sandwiches!  But I don’t know much about how much of what I should be eating.  I just try kick it low fat as much as poss, and almost every single day I am hitting the correct amount of Cals while feeling full and satisfied.

I can’t say it is not enough sleep, I sleep most nights 7-8 hours, which is more than the average person I am sure.

Dehydration?  Maybe.  It has been super hot lately, but I drink enough I think.  I am never thirsty.

Maybe I need to get laid?  Quite possibly!

And before you go any further with your thinking…I am not knocked up!

Who knows, but I have made a few changes to what I have been doing, although it has been working in a ‘weight’ sense, not so much in the energy sense.  I will see how it all goes.

Oh I ran today.  Which was good and shit at the same time.  I did what I needed to, I just didn’t enjoy it as much as usual.  Heavy legs, bad form, breathing was fine, but it was HOT!

Meh, tomorrow I go out to the TECT!  Carbing up tonight and in the morning for a Long hard run.  I hope to be feeling better before, during and after haha!  Experiencing some of natures medicine!

Ok so there wasn’t too much Pimping going on today, but how about you?  Ever hit that ‘in between’ funk?  What are your plans for the week?

See you tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

P.S.  I am pretty stoked about how muscly my legs are these days, I kind of feel a little badass about that! ha!

Mapping for Graduation – On Pimping the Beast/I Just Want to Run!

I thought I would kill 2 birds with one stone today!

First, I want to invite you to run a Virtual 5k with me and my group Friday 29th November!  On the 29th – Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow!  Or just do whatever distance you can manage.

My group Graduates the C25k programme in just 2 short weeks and I am on a mission to round up as much support as possible for their Graduation Run!

I must say, that even for me, someone who used to run longer distances than a 5k, it has been extremely beneficial!

I have found myself feeling very unaffected by the full 5k run’s I have done on my own away from the group, and I think the c25k has helped with that.  By unaffected I mean able to run at my fastest pace non-stop for longer, and to not feel like crap immediately afterwards.

So my something new for today – Today rather than following the programme, I did a 5k in just under 35mins, almost creating a PR for myself.  Because we had an odd number of ladies at the Run group today I was able to run alone – so I mapped out our 5k Route for Graduation.  I ran non-stop, I did have to stop once about a K shy of getting home to help a lady up the stairs, she fell (paused my app, took her up the stairs, went back down the stairs, unpaused app, continued running up the stairs hahaha)
The run was great, I feel like I could have done better, I didn’t quite hit that exhaustion mark, so I had more to give…YUSS!

Smells like my fitness is improving even on the downtime I was having not so long ago.

So anywho – please run along with us, I even have a Bib for you to print out and wear 🙂

Virtual 5k Bib - Copy


Weigh-in day today!

A loss of 1 whole kg!!  Bringing me down to 75.2kg!

04.11.2013 014

That is a total loss of 17.3kg since I started using MFP a year and a bit ago!

I have noticed my Tech wear getting a little baggy, stuff that is supposed to be tight and create compression, is kinda not doing its job for me right now!

Anywho, roughly 2 more kilo’s to go and I will be happy with this years progress.  After getting stuck in a funk since the end of January, I have not done too badly to redeem myself!

Another date with Jillian for Ab day, feeling stronger already!

Ok, so how did you Pimp the Beast today?

Any PR’s that you have to Brag about lately?

Beast On y’all and I’ll see ya tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

Finishing off the Plan – On Pimping the Beast

Today legs are feeling better, Abs – almost hundy percent.  I am ready to take on the next week!

No run today, the children and I spent most of it in the backyard gardening and playing in their little paddling pool.

We also tried the Bethlehem Farmers Market, I really wanted some decent Avocado’s, the ones from my supermarket that I had been delivered were crap!  I think we will be making a regular Sunday trip to the markets for veg!

While we were out I got a 2014 Calender so I could finish off my Training Plan, and kind of get a jist of how everything is going to happen over the Christmas Period.
I am planning a camping trip and a week away, so I need to know where everything falls to start making some robust habits that wont fall by the wayside during the festive season!

Seeing as we will be away for almost 2 weeks before Christmas (Week 4 and 5 of my training plan)  I kind of need to plan out how I am going to get those runs and strength work outs in.  If I don’t start looking at it all now, and shit hits the fan, I will feel like I am stuffing up by not sticking to the plan!  Can anyone say CONTROL FREAK!

It is also my children’s 2nd Birthday in the second week of December, Our trip away, then Christmas, a Family 40th, and then New Years!  I will be glad to see January!  I just want everything to go off without a hitch!  Failing to Plan is a Plan to Fail – said it before, saying it again!

I also did the Weekly meal plan for next week, and did the shop online, I researched a new product to try and also a new recipe to try.  Got a lot going on, but that is how we Pimp the Beast!!

My Plan to Win!…

Training Plan | On a Jam Hunt Blog Plans to Win |On a Jam Hunt Blog

When I step back and look at it, it looks pretty busy.  Its not really, it’s just methodical.

I have 1 small and 1 big event that falls on the first and second week of my training plan, so I wont be able to follow those ones to the ‘T’.

I also realised when looking at the next years tentative plans for events, it seems there is only 7 weeks between the other 2 Half Marathons that I want to compete in.  I will have to get some advice on how to deal with those ‘training plan’ wise.

TOUGH MUDDER is also coming to New Zealand in April… It smells like an expensive year!!

Plan is done, now all is left to do is work off a bit more weight over the next 2 weeks, then we get the show on the road!

Weigh-in Day tomorrow… nervous and excited to let you know how well all this Pimping is working for me.

What did you get up to today?  Did you Run long?

See you tomorrow

Jay 🙂