
Where has the time gone…

…definitely not on Pimping the Beast.

Although I had a great many plans, I only lasted a week or two and found myself in another funk!

But we are always hopeful, and I never stop thinking about running!  If things were easier, I would be doing it every single day! Alas, we will get there!

So let me catch you up…

Tarawera Ultra (in relay) has been put on the Back burner.  

I was thinking of lessening my leg of the relay by adding in another couple of people to my two person team, but then my buddy Glenn ran into some injury issues, and effectively put himself out of running for a little while.  I also felt a lack of confidence in myself to get ready in time.  I know I have done it before and was proud of my results, but this bad boy is a whole nother kettle of fish!  I will be sad to not be able to run with some of the greats!
Tarawera has become exponentially popular in a short amount of time, and us holding on to an entry and possibly not being able to make it to the Start Line would just be selfish.

My heart breaks not being able to get myself there, but all is not lost.  We live to fight another day!

Team Couch2Kawerau will have to size up 2016 for the win!


It is speedily approaching!

This weekend in fact.

And we are theme’ing it again.

My original thoughts were to go with Nacho Libre, but a half body stretchy suit didn’t quite sit well with the rest of my team.  Really, I just wanted to wear a cape, a moustache and My undies on the outside!

We compromised.  And by compromise, I mean that I am making everyone wear their undies on the outside whilst wearing a cape!  All while running around the lake!

Right up my alley!

Where to from here…?

I haven’t decided yet.

The kids are off to Daycare in 2 short months, I start my new business with a friend, and the hubby continues to do what he does.

I want to commit to some longer distance stuff next year, but I have to stop promising myself the good stuff and then later realise that I have to let myself down.

So going forward…

I will run! – Where I can and When I can, and yes, I promise to be better to write all about it!

After all its not about being the best, its about being better than you were, and doing what you love!

Hopefully I can hold myself to that to see out the year – how quickly is Christmas approaching?!?!?!


Still running,

and running!

Jay 🙂

P.S.  Saw this today on my run, totally pissed about this Runner litterer!!!  Hiss!

Runner drops GU on the Estuary | On a Jam Hunt Blog

My Sunday Church Service

The last time I actually went to a church service was probably in my late teens.

I am now 30!

I didn’t go to Church yesterday.

I ran long yesterday.

I would personally say it was as beneficial as any Church service.

Running long now means anything over 45 minutes.  My Half Marathon fitness is long gone, so I just do what I can manage.

An hour long was as much as I could manage.

I ran 8.2k Easy.

I have missed being able to just set out and watch the world wake up.  To be able to just head out the door and run half your town before breakfast.  To watch the sun peek out from hills and splay its awesomeness over land and water.
To breathe in air so fresh and cool.  To take which ever path you feel like.  To run the roads as if all pathways were merged into one and road rules do not apply.  To look up and see friendly faces raise a hand for a ‘you and I are so damn awesome’ wave/hi-5.

To be out in the world and not give a care to what you are wearing, where you have to be today, have I paid that bill on time?, the pile of washing that has been stacked ever so carefully as to not topple over, do I have enough gas in the car to get me from A to B?, how am I ever going to finish that assignment on time?, the Awkward dinner you have to attend with the boss and his wife, the never ending ‘to-do’ list!

The run can take you as far as you like both with thought and distance.  This hour that you spend, is entirely up to you.  However fast or steady, whether you sprint or wog.  No matter what you have weighing on your shoulders, this run right now is so far away from any of that that it feels like the only kind of freedom that is readily attainable at any given time.  The thing is you just have to find the time, or make the time.

I was so lucky to have woken up early enough (Daylight Savings End = extra hour) to be able to cruise through the streets and arrive at my Nirvana.

Memorial Park 06.04.2014


What ever happened before this run didn’t matter.  What ever happens after this run will not matter.  This blissful hour is exactly that, no need to over think it!

All this, plus my perfect Sunday Morning Easy Running Long Playlist makes for the best Sunday Morning ‘Un-Lie in’.

As for my 30 Day Challenge…

Today is the 7th day, and I am feeling it in full effect.  My legs are stronger, but gosh am I fatigued.  I have had to shorten my sets and break the reps up over the course of my day.  Running, The Shred and 30 Day Challenges require a bit of a balancing act to not cause injury.

This week – does not hold much in the way of distance, I’ll be flying solo with the twinlets again for a bit but that is ok, I am sure they are looking forward to some faster paced walk/runs in the stroller.

Still no events on the horizon until the second half of the year, super looking forward to those!

How did you spend your Sunday morning?

Any long runs/bikes/swims for you?

Did you take part in an “Un-Lie in” with me?

See you in a bit,

Jay 🙂



It was the worst run ever…

…but I loved every single second of it!

Its been over two weeks since I have been able to go for a decent run.  While it wasn’t quite decent, it was a run and it was awesome.

Awesome, but UGLY!

It has been over a month since my Half marathon and I have not maintained my mileage.  I have been nursing injury and battling with ways to fit in some fitness.

It is crushing how quickly your fitness goes.

I started out my run yesterday fluid and light.  It came like second nature, like I had picked up where I left off.

Except I hadn’t!

800 metres into the run and I was feeling sore in my chest, drained in my body, saliva welling in my mouth!


I was losing.

It wasn’t like I had set out fast, I knew I always made that rookie move so I made sure not to this time.

Didn’t help 😦

I walked it out a little, crossed the road, found a connecting street and moved off the main road so that I could spit away from the public eye.

Scratch that…I actually felt like I wanted to throw up!

Walked it out a little more and decided to give it another jam.

I ran another k or so and then had to walk again.

All in all, I Wogged a total of 3.6k.  It was an ugly 3.6k, but it was a wonderful 3.6k.

Why was it wonderful?

My entire adult life I have suffered from varying degree’s of depression and anxiety issues.  In recent times I have maintained some kind of level headed’ness.
When I first started to run, a mere year and a half ago, I found something that naturally lessened my stress and anxiety levels.  I developed a freedom about it, like as if I had finally hitched a ride after a million miles of walking.
Problems seemed to be nothing in comparison, anxiety almost became non-existant, I had meditation in my long run, being forced to be alone with my thoughts/with myself.

Well, 2 weeks of no physical activity certainly ran havoc with my emotions.  I felt like I was a mood swinging pregnant woman ready to blow at any minute!

There was anxiety because I had lost my long distance fitness, there was stress because I couldn’t even manage a short walk, there was frustration because the only way to lessen my weight was to limit calorie intake – and I LOVE FOOD!

So this shitty, uncoordinated, crappy run with all its hideous form and heaving saliva spitting turned out to be exactly what I needed.

I had caught my ride and I was back on my way.

If you are friends with me on MFP, you would know daily how I felt about not being able to run.  I think I moaned about it nearly every day! ha!  Poor people!  You guys and gals are awesome, thanks for your support!

So what now?

No plans for events in the near future, I hate the disappointment of not being able to keep to the training plan that it requires.  There is just no affordable, feasible way I can commit to a long distance event.

Instead, a change of focus!

A 30 Day Challenge with my MFP Buddies!

It is the first day of the Month, the first day of the Quarter, what better time to start!

30-day-push-up-challenge-chart 30-day-squat-challenge-chart 30-day-plank-challenge-chart

Anyway, feel free to Jam along, we are punching this 30 in the face, you should come get a’ punchin’ with us!

I have just busted out Day one, and also Day one with Jillian, She always kicks my butt with her Shred!

As for the running…

Short Runs for as long as I can manage while the hubby is home for the next week, then back to wog’s with the kids being careful to not over do it.  Not what I had planned, but we do what we can!

So let’s get to it!

Still Running,

and getting a little buff too,

Jay 🙂

P.S.  Have taken some Before’s and After’s – Pics and Measurements for show and tell once done 🙂

On a scale of 0-10,

My post-Dry Needling pain two sleeps later is at a rough 2, I would say 1, but I still have an inflamed popliteal cyst that needs more work!

Today was run day.

Again I stroller ran.

Hubby is out of the Country for another couply weeks, so I must push the wee wrigglebutts along with me.

The run was great, shaved a whole 2 minutes off of my time from Tuesdays run.  I got this Stroller Running thing in the bag I tell ya!

For the first time since having this injury, I can actually feel the cyst inside my leg.

I came about it while foam rolling after my run, I was moving up from my calves to do the Hammy’s when I felt a huge lump behind my knee and an achey pain when massaging over it.
I hadn’t rolled my legs out for a long time, so I had no idea what the cyst actually felt like.
Even when Lucy (My physio) worked it, it never did feel quite so hard and bulbous as it does today.

It isn’t causing me any pain whilst running, and I barely notice it during the day, it is just when I touch it or lie with legs out that I feel the ache.

I see Lucy again tomorrow, so we will see what other options there are to get it back to 100%.

Now that I know exactly what is going on with my injury and put a name to the actual issue, I thought I might google it to find out more.

Here are some things I found out about it…


  • A Baker cyst is swelling caused by fluid from the knee joint protruding to the back of the knee.
  • Baker cysts are common and can be caused by virtually any cause of joint swelling (arthritis).
  • A Baker cyst may not cause symptoms or be associated with knee pain and/or tightness behind the knee, especially when the knee is extended or fully flexed.
  • Baker cysts can rupture and become complicated by spread of fluid down the leg between the muscles of the calf (dissection).
  • Baker cysts can be treated with medications, joint aspiration and cortisone injection, and surgical operation, usually arthroscopic surgery.

Sorry what?  Cortisone injection, and surgical operation?!?!?!

Yeah not that keen!

Lets hope that the aspiration helps it before needing anything more serious.  I am not scared of needles, scalpels or any of that kind of thing, those things have all become pretty familiar since having a DVT years ago.  I just want it dealt with in a less invasive way if I can help it.

Plans for the weekend…

If the supposed storm lets up early (which by the looks of the forecast isn’t likely), I may get one more run in either Saturday or Sunday.  I am flirting with the idea of running long with the children if weather permits.

I also want to wish all my NZ buddies running in this years Tarawera Ultra (TUM) many fun filled, energetic, pain-free, beautiful scenic Miles on Saturday, and a wee special mention to SuperGenericGirl who’s blog I also follow – hope that injury holds up 🙂

I am so totally FOMO’ing about the TUM right now, totally wish I was there, even just to volunteer.  Would love to catch a glimpse of some of the greats that I have been following and some of the crazy local (NZ) characters I have already met in the flesh.  It is my dream to get amongst the action.
I will up in there hopefully next year in a team of four for relay.  GAH I WISH I WAS THERE THIS YEAR!


What are your plans this weekend?

Running long at all?

If you are, make sure to run a little extra for me 🙂 missing my long distances!

As always,

Be Beast,

and go Punch this weekend in the Face!

Jay 🙂



Much like torture!


Do I have a story for you!

Today I experienced something that I have never experienced before.

Dry Needling.

I dropped the kids off at Grandma’s and proceeded to the Physio today expecting to get a little more trigger point massage.

I got a lot more today.

I had seen acupuncture on TV before, in pictures etc, but never had I tried it.  From what I have read the difference between Dry Needling and Acupuncture is that Dry Needling techniques are not based on the flow of Chi or traditional Chinese medicine.  It is therefore just a practice where a needle is inserted into a trigger point.

The insertion of a needle into a trigger point causes the targeted muscle to relax.


Lucy, she popped this needle into the trigger point and proceeded to wriggle the thing around!!

Oh My Lordy!

I have to say… I swore a lot in such a small amount of time.  It was not something that I would say is a comfy procedure.  It actually hurt like a mutha!

I was not smiling like this lady!

I was not smiling like this lady!

It was actually the most unusual pain I have ever experienced ever, and that’s saying something coming from a lady who has pushed out twins naturally and had a doctor move babies around whilst still inside…TMI? Yeah I know ha!
I would liken it to torture.  Not that I have been tortured before, but I imagine that that is what it is like.

I actually sweated!  A lot!  I was bracing myself so much that my palms were wet and I was very hot!  I kept talking through the ‘wriggling’  to take my mind off of the muscles being forced to twitch and spasm around in my legs.  It felt like they were being scrambled inside of there!

So apparently the needle is wriggled around to create a whole bunch of tiny injuries that encourage a healing response.

I can confirm that.  A whole bunch of tiny injuries from a wriggly needle in the backs of my legs.  OUCH!

I came away from it feeling like I had just completed a tempo run.  I was out of breath, sweaty and swearing. ha!

I got home and from then till now have been waddling around, not like a penguin, but more like an ape haha!  Unable to extend my legs to a straightened position while walking/standing, without pain that is.

From what I have read the pain can last from a couple of hours to several days.  However I should expect an overall improvement once healed.

All I can say is that it was not that fun but I had an open mind to receiving such a procedure and if it helps to get me out on the road pain-free then I’m sold and would do it again in a heart beat.

So glad to have done my run this morning, a 4.3k with the children in tow.  Lucy said I should feel good enough to run on again on Thursday.  I look forward to it!

The things we do to run,

I must be an addict!

Resting up,

Jay 🙂

4.5 blissful Kilometres!

I ‘Stroller’ ran today!

Just so you know, I ran with two toddlers… And I didn’t quite look as Glamorous as Gwen!

By that, I mean ran with my kids in the stroller.

And it was awesome!

I wish I had more time to do more, but I guess as I said in my last post, Less is More!

My kids plus Stroller are pretty close to 30kg I reckon, so it was no easy feat to bust my buttocks up hills!  But I did it, and it felt awesome!

Everything about my run was awesome!  Mostly the NO PAIN bit!

I ran at a faster pace than I usually do with the stroller knowing that I would only get in a short one.  It was actually quite comfortable, slightly breathless, but comfy.

And I got this…

07.03.2014 019

I clocked over 1000 Nike Kilometres!  I have actually run a fair bit more than this using Garmin only, but to be reminded that I have covered this distance is pretty darn choice!

I also visited the Physio too.  Bureta Physio

Who did a bit of trigger point/Deep Tissue massage for me in my Popliteal area

Good News!

No long term damage, a very manageable injury, a bit of massage, stretching and strengthening and I should be Tip Top again.

Semi-Bad News

It is not something that will just go away without physio treatment.  So I couldn’t just ‘rest’ my way to being better.  A slightly unexpected expense, but better to have it dealt with, than not be able to run awesomely asap!

I have been given some homework to do to rehab things and promote quicker strengthening and healing.  I am stoked that I didn’t just put it off because I had a really good run this morning, the thought had crossed my mind.
Got to do the right thing for my body!

Things are looking up!  And I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into a 5k or 10k as soon as my legs allow!

Feeling good,

and Still Running!

Definitely got a Crush on Running!

Jay 🙂

Changing my focus!

Ok, first things first…

I have passed on my Rotorua Half marathon entry.  I did it without regret, and I actually feel relieved about it!

I know I could probably train haphazardly to be able to get to Race Day, but I wouldn’t be proud of a potentially poor result.

Lately it has a been a little bit ‘stress’ central in my house, so I am taking a load off and lessening the issues.

I have changed my focus to something more manageable.

I am going to chuck my Half Marathon plans for this year away.

Instead I am going to focus on improving my 5k and 10k times.  I want to get speedy!

This, I think will be a fair compromise, and at the same time will benefit in the long run.

When I think back…

…It wasn’t hard at all to train for a Half.  It was pretty straight forward, so there is no reason why I can’t do it again.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am dying a little on the inside, but I know it will only be a matter of time till I get back into those longer distances.  God that ‘High’ is addictive!

All I want to do right now is get my legs back to 100%.  I want to enjoy every run, not just the ones for events but the ones in between too!

And I want to get my shit together in every other aspect of my life, I guess this whole ‘Doing the Half, Not doing the Half’ issue has become the epitome of my life lately.  And I hate that!

Big decisions,

New Goals,

Less is more they say,

Keep runnin!

Jay 🙂

P.S. Totally bummed that I can’t be at Tarawera this month, even just to volunteer 😦  Will have to wait patiently for someone’s Race Report.

Also, Thanks to everyone who is supporting me, your kind words mean Smilyums! and that is a lot!!
Especially to Jared my hubby!  The one who knows I am a little bit crazy but loves me anyway – If I say that I want to do an Ultra one day he will be right along side me saying “Ok, what do ‘we’ need to do to make it happen”
Love ya babe!

Le Sigh!

I think I am a little bit broken!

Yesterday I went for my first real proper run.

Things hurt during and after.

*Insert SUPER sad face*

Thanks Dawson!

I am not sure if I had mentioned it in the last 2 posts, but the day after my Half Marathon I was super sore in the area behind my knees.  Not my actual knee caps, but the soft tissue on the backs of my legs.

This pain subsided a day or so later and I thought nothing more of it.

I went for a few walks last week being my recovery week and still no pain.

But then my run yesterday.  Quicker than it should have been, but felt ok’ish.  In the last kilometre I started get that pain back again.

Even now, the day after that small teeny run, it is still achey!


So now I have to organise an appointment to the Physio to get it checked out before I go getting all crazy over any more training.

I am a little upset about it potentially putting me out of my next Half, but in all honesty, even though I am completely and insanely addicted to it, I don’t mind sitting this one out.

I just want to feel better and perform better because right now, this pain is not making for very happy running!

So if you happen to see me at any stage, just know that I have already come to terms with potentially not being able to do the Half, but at the same time a little piece inside of me is dying in an overly dramatic fashion!

So while I wallow just a little bit way over here in my little corner, I wish you lots of long miles!

Will let you know how the Physio Appointment goes,

Dreaming of Running Long,

Jay 🙂

P.S. Yes I changed the theme of my blog, hopefully this one makes for easier reading 🙂

An almost meltdown!

Slightly obsessed…?


Totally obsessed!

And that is why I almost had a meltdown.

The reason for my meltdown?

I have a sore butt.  HAD a sore butt.  OK I have a semi-sore butt.

Anyway, it was sore enough yesterday for me to start having emotional thoughts of maybe not being able to run on Race Day, which is coming up in 2.5 weeks.

On Sunday I talked about a niggle in my Hammy and Glute.  Well that niggle increased to a pain.

I felt fine during my Speed Run yesterday morning, and I felt fine throughout the day.  It wasn’t until last night did it feel like more of an injury than just a muscle ache. 😦 !!!!!

I panicked! Big time!  Thinking about how hard I have worked up until this day without injury.  Following my plan, increasing gradually, not biting off more than I could chew, observing good recovery practices, I was doing my best to get to race day intact.

Well I am still intact, but sore.

I woke up this morning feeling 50 times better, an uninterrupted 8 hour solid sleep had helped bucket loads!

I visited my Chiropractor this morning, he was surprised to see me so soon, my next appointment wasn’t due for another month or so.

He assessed my spine and hips, did a bit of stretching with my leg muscles to see the damage.

Outcome:  Just the gradual accumulation of stress on my body has resulted in my woes.  He clicked me back into place, gave me some stretching homework, threw me a ‘Good luck’ for Race Day and sent me on my way.

He said not to worry, I am not wincing in pain, there is slight inflammation, but I am so close to Taper Mode that I should be fine.
I was a little tight but the adjustments loosened me up immediately.
“Eat your Sports Beans Janine and drink your water, run 21.1k and then stop”

That was his advice.

Extremely encouraged!

I have not had too much professional help along this journey.  Mostly advice from those who had done it before me.  Many a wise word of encouragement and story telling.

My Journey would always be different in the fact that I have had hip issues for a while now, so getting this far is a really choice achievement.  Different from all those I have spoken to, not so much different in the scheme of ‘people completing Half Marathons’.

Age is also creeping up on me, I am no spring chicken, and I haven’t always been active.  Actually for about the last 8 or so years I had been relatively inactive.  YIKES!

So I gotta cut myself some slack, I am doing alright.

Anyway, I have decided against doing my Hill run tomorrow, perhaps I will see how I am in the morning, but I really think I should rest my butt till Sat/Sun, where I run for the longest amount of time (non-stop) I have ever run ever ever – 2 whole hours!!!
My Hill run tomorrow is an important one, but if I run unhealed I am likely to do more damage!

Anyway, my meltdown has been averted, but I am not out of the woods.  I have to keep working hard, and I have to take care of my body.

Taper almost here,

Keeping my eye on the prize!

Jay 🙂

Is it normal to always be sore?

So I am in the guts of this thing!

The Half Marathon training plan of 14 weeks and I am now in the middle of week 9.

I have spent much of the last 2 or so weeks being SORE!

After a little over a years amount of experience with this running thing I have become to notice the difference between being ‘Sore’ and being ‘Injured’.  Thank goodness I have not been injured too many times to put myself off.

In the last few weeks I have often thought whether it was normal to be achey All The Freeking Time!

My knees ache, my feet sometimes ache, my calves and hammy’s ache.

At what point do I do something about it, or are these symptoms all just normal things when completing something that is new and more arduous than you have ever done before.

For the moment I feel in myself to be (marginally) fine.

The most prominent pain I have right now is in my knees.  And I am reminded of this pain every time I want to be somewhere different.
For now this pain is “nagging” – tells me it is there all the time and it is not quite a “you better stop running or i’ll break” sore… I don’t think.

But this is the thing…

I don’t know if this is what normal ‘First time Half training runners’ go through.

Am I the only one?

I don’t see anyone else blogging about their daily aches and pains.

Am I just not as fit as everyone else, perhaps not as strong as everyone else?

Did I start running too late in my life to cruise comfortably into something like this?

Do I weigh too much to be trying to achieve no-pain training/recovery?

Or is it just my body adapting? Am I getting fitter? Stronger?

I don’t even know! I can’t even tell…

I just keep pushing on, working and hoping that it is all leading to the right thing/s – A strong enough body to endure a 21.1km long run!

Did you feel like this during the training of your first big event?

Is the knee thing normal?

Holla at me , let me know!

Keep on Pushing,

Jay 🙂