
Where has the time gone…

…definitely not on Pimping the Beast.

Although I had a great many plans, I only lasted a week or two and found myself in another funk!

But we are always hopeful, and I never stop thinking about running!  If things were easier, I would be doing it every single day! Alas, we will get there!

So let me catch you up…

Tarawera Ultra (in relay) has been put on the Back burner.  

I was thinking of lessening my leg of the relay by adding in another couple of people to my two person team, but then my buddy Glenn ran into some injury issues, and effectively put himself out of running for a little while.  I also felt a lack of confidence in myself to get ready in time.  I know I have done it before and was proud of my results, but this bad boy is a whole nother kettle of fish!  I will be sad to not be able to run with some of the greats!
Tarawera has become exponentially popular in a short amount of time, and us holding on to an entry and possibly not being able to make it to the Start Line would just be selfish.

My heart breaks not being able to get myself there, but all is not lost.  We live to fight another day!

Team Couch2Kawerau will have to size up 2016 for the win!


It is speedily approaching!

This weekend in fact.

And we are theme’ing it again.

My original thoughts were to go with Nacho Libre, but a half body stretchy suit didn’t quite sit well with the rest of my team.  Really, I just wanted to wear a cape, a moustache and My undies on the outside!

We compromised.  And by compromise, I mean that I am making everyone wear their undies on the outside whilst wearing a cape!  All while running around the lake!

Right up my alley!

Where to from here…?

I haven’t decided yet.

The kids are off to Daycare in 2 short months, I start my new business with a friend, and the hubby continues to do what he does.

I want to commit to some longer distance stuff next year, but I have to stop promising myself the good stuff and then later realise that I have to let myself down.

So going forward…

I will run! – Where I can and When I can, and yes, I promise to be better to write all about it!

After all its not about being the best, its about being better than you were, and doing what you love!

Hopefully I can hold myself to that to see out the year – how quickly is Christmas approaching?!?!?!


Still running,

and running!

Jay 🙂

P.S.  Saw this today on my run, totally pissed about this Runner litterer!!!  Hiss!

Runner drops GU on the Estuary | On a Jam Hunt Blog

A step up in my Journey

Sitting in the waiting room of my Doctors Practice, waiting to be seen about my never-ending Cold/Flu/whatever it is.  As I near the end of a page in a book my friend borrowed me, the doctor (not my usual doctor) approaches and calls my name.  I rush the last sentence to the page, close it up and proceed toward the Doc’s room.

“What are you reading?”

“Oh, just this book on running”

“Oh right, let’s see…, uh this is about Running Ultra’s…. Are you running one?”

“Not quite yet, I am baby stepping it, doing it in relay first”

“That’s awesome! I run too!”

And so a raft of running experiences takes form in re-living awesome memories through story telling.

So if one is going to take a step up in their ‘Running’ Journey what better step to take than – Tarawera Ultra

This is my attempt at baby steps to eventually get to the 60k, 85k then eventually 100!?!

But I am going to have to do some awesome things in between!

I spent a while organising the events out for the remainder of the year.  Things have pretty much been on hold since the completion of my first Half Marathon, so I am excited to finally be getting back into some ‘goal’ induced Running!

July/August:  First up is one I wanted to do last year but kind of missed out on – Buffalo Trail Runner – 12km

It is two 12k trails runs over the Buffalo Girl Trail at TECT Park Tauranga, It is designed to encourage people to continue training over the Winter months.
You complete the first of the Series in July and then the second in August doing your best to train up and reduce your 12k times.

I have run a smyllion times up at the TECT, it is the closest trail I have to where I live, so this series will be the ideal training run for the big kahuna 30k in November.

If I manage to kick this illness, I will be completing the first of the series next Saturday!

October:  Next up is Ekiden (Apparently The Home of Self-proclaimed Fancy Dress World Champs).

Leg 3 – 7.93km

Read all about last years relay here!
This year we have 2 teams again, some of the same runners, some of them new to our group.  Whatever the combo I just know that it is going to be the BEST TIME!
I did this one in 56min last year, so I am looking at pulling that back a bit, especially now that I know exactly how many hills I have to climb!

November :  So the next one is the Big Kahuna!  The Smiths Sport Shoes Tauranga Trail Run.

Tunnel on Te Rerenga

Last year I finished the 15km in 2.12hrs, that was a really long time for me to be on my feet in the freeking hot, running Hills and shit!

This year I am doubling up and busting out the 30km, which is the 15km distance TIMES TWO!

It will be a good lead up to the 36km I will run at Tarawera in Team: Couch2Kawerau

100km Tarawera Trail Run Map

From all these races I will hope to have put together some decent mileage, a good race day plan, some good nutrition and hydration habits to get me through to my ‘Baby step’ up to the Big League!

In between these events will be a whole bunch of training.

I have decided to try shred as much as I can before August.  Getting myself back logging on MFP.
Glenn will be taking me out for some Recon runs over the 36k that I will be enduring.
And I plan to be making a few trips out to the TECT (TECT All terrain Park) and be doing some speed work out up and around the Mount (Mount Maunganui).

I will most probably die a few times in the process, but I will learn so much about my body and its limits.

I can’t wait to meet more Ultra Runners too!

Exciting times ahead and you know I am going to share the whole lot with you!

What plans do you have up your sleeve for the remainder of the year?

Any Ultra’s on your horizon?

Running Baby steps,

Jay 🙂

On a scale of 0-10,

My post-Dry Needling pain two sleeps later is at a rough 2, I would say 1, but I still have an inflamed popliteal cyst that needs more work!

Today was run day.

Again I stroller ran.

Hubby is out of the Country for another couply weeks, so I must push the wee wrigglebutts along with me.

The run was great, shaved a whole 2 minutes off of my time from Tuesdays run.  I got this Stroller Running thing in the bag I tell ya!

For the first time since having this injury, I can actually feel the cyst inside my leg.

I came about it while foam rolling after my run, I was moving up from my calves to do the Hammy’s when I felt a huge lump behind my knee and an achey pain when massaging over it.
I hadn’t rolled my legs out for a long time, so I had no idea what the cyst actually felt like.
Even when Lucy (My physio) worked it, it never did feel quite so hard and bulbous as it does today.

It isn’t causing me any pain whilst running, and I barely notice it during the day, it is just when I touch it or lie with legs out that I feel the ache.

I see Lucy again tomorrow, so we will see what other options there are to get it back to 100%.

Now that I know exactly what is going on with my injury and put a name to the actual issue, I thought I might google it to find out more.

Here are some things I found out about it…

(From medicinenet.com)

  • A Baker cyst is swelling caused by fluid from the knee joint protruding to the back of the knee.
  • Baker cysts are common and can be caused by virtually any cause of joint swelling (arthritis).
  • A Baker cyst may not cause symptoms or be associated with knee pain and/or tightness behind the knee, especially when the knee is extended or fully flexed.
  • Baker cysts can rupture and become complicated by spread of fluid down the leg between the muscles of the calf (dissection).
  • Baker cysts can be treated with medications, joint aspiration and cortisone injection, and surgical operation, usually arthroscopic surgery.

Sorry what?  Cortisone injection, and surgical operation?!?!?!

Yeah not that keen!

Lets hope that the aspiration helps it before needing anything more serious.  I am not scared of needles, scalpels or any of that kind of thing, those things have all become pretty familiar since having a DVT years ago.  I just want it dealt with in a less invasive way if I can help it.

Plans for the weekend…

If the supposed storm lets up early (which by the looks of the forecast isn’t likely), I may get one more run in either Saturday or Sunday.  I am flirting with the idea of running long with the children if weather permits.

I also want to wish all my NZ buddies running in this years Tarawera Ultra (TUM) many fun filled, energetic, pain-free, beautiful scenic Miles on Saturday, and a wee special mention to SuperGenericGirl who’s blog I also follow – hope that injury holds up 🙂

I am so totally FOMO’ing about the TUM right now, totally wish I was there, even just to volunteer.  Would love to catch a glimpse of some of the greats that I have been following and some of the crazy local (NZ) characters I have already met in the flesh.  It is my dream to get amongst the action.
I will up in there hopefully next year in a team of four for relay.  GAH I WISH I WAS THERE THIS YEAR!


What are your plans this weekend?

Running long at all?

If you are, make sure to run a little extra for me 🙂 missing my long distances!

As always,

Be Beast,

and go Punch this weekend in the Face!

Jay 🙂



Changing my focus!

Ok, first things first…

I have passed on my Rotorua Half marathon entry.  I did it without regret, and I actually feel relieved about it!

I know I could probably train haphazardly to be able to get to Race Day, but I wouldn’t be proud of a potentially poor result.

Lately it has a been a little bit ‘stress’ central in my house, so I am taking a load off and lessening the issues.

I have changed my focus to something more manageable.

I am going to chuck my Half Marathon plans for this year away.

Instead I am going to focus on improving my 5k and 10k times.  I want to get speedy!

This, I think will be a fair compromise, and at the same time will benefit in the long run.

When I think back…

…It wasn’t hard at all to train for a Half.  It was pretty straight forward, so there is no reason why I can’t do it again.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am dying a little on the inside, but I know it will only be a matter of time till I get back into those longer distances.  God that ‘High’ is addictive!

All I want to do right now is get my legs back to 100%.  I want to enjoy every run, not just the ones for events but the ones in between too!

And I want to get my shit together in every other aspect of my life, I guess this whole ‘Doing the Half, Not doing the Half’ issue has become the epitome of my life lately.  And I hate that!

Big decisions,

New Goals,

Less is more they say,

Keep runnin!

Jay 🙂

P.S. Totally bummed that I can’t be at Tarawera this month, even just to volunteer 😦  Will have to wait patiently for someone’s Race Report.

Also, Thanks to everyone who is supporting me, your kind words mean Smilyums! and that is a lot!!
Especially to Jared my hubby!  The one who knows I am a little bit crazy but loves me anyway – If I say that I want to do an Ultra one day he will be right along side me saying “Ok, what do ‘we’ need to do to make it happen”
Love ya babe!

Race Report: AMI Wellington Round the Bays 2014

The 'Eff' Word

That is me finishing!  As you can tell, I was saying the ‘F’ Word, HA!

Sunday was amazing!

There was not one single moment of the event that I did not enjoy.  I embraced and lived every minute of it.

You could safely say that I am addicted to long distance running!

No nerves, just excitement all the way leading up.  The only thoughts I had running through my mind were ones of anticipation – of seeing how I would do on the day.

So let’s rewind back to the start so I can tell ya all about it!

We check in to our hotel room, 500 metres from the start line, at 2pm Saturday afternoon.  There was still plenty of day left so I got my race day gear ready before any more excitement was to be had.
This would serve as a semi holiday for me as Hubby and I were childfree for the weekend.  This really helped me get into ‘Race day’ zone.  It also helped to relax me for what I was about to do.  I know if I had to travel a 6 hour car trip with my children then organise them for the day during my run, I would constantly be worrying about my next step as a mum, and not so much the next step as a runner.

Race kit was good to go.  It was time for a few beverages a little bit of wandering around the Wellington CBD and then a spot of dinner before a bit of a chin wag with the Family.

I posted pre-race dinner pics on the last post.  I don’t know how dad does it.  Beersies before race day, not a good look on me, unless I want to deal with the dry’s for 21.1!

Bed time came around 10ish.  I made a point not to go to be too early, I knew I would just roll around in bed forever and not get any sleep at all.

Typically, I woke up before the alarm went off so I jumped on FB for a bit before getting out of bed.

A shower before bed the night before meant that all I had to do was change and organise my nutrition for the day.

For my nutrition – 1pkt Sports beans (only ate about a quarter of the bag), Honey Stingers x2 and 1ltr of Strawberry Lemonade Nunn

My decision for the nutrition I chose was based on the last 3 long runs on the 3 previous Sundays.  For the first one I ran sports beans only.  The second (being my longest) just a waffle.  The last, Beans and waffle,  the combo worked well and I had little to no fatigue.

I wore my UltraAspire Hydration pack as I have never been too keen on Powerade.  The Nuun seemed to work well on all my training runs, plus later in the race I would be glad that I took an extra litre of fluid with me.

I would like to run with less, but I am currently not fit enough or fast enough to cut it down.  I played it safe and took more than what I probably needed.

It was 7.30am when we left the hotel.  The few hundred metres to the start chute was filling in with drips and drabs of participants for the Half and the 10km events.

26.02.2014 003

It was about 7.50am when we started piling into the chute and a long drawn out 15 minutes to the Start Gun as the Start Time was pushed out another 5 mins to clear the last little bit of traffic.

At this time I didn’t have much going through my head.  I was mostly thinking about how quickly/slowly the crowd would move over the Start Line, and how many seconds/minutes it would actually take for me to get there.  Still no nerves at this stage, I just wanted to get started with the plan.


It was start time, it took me around a whole minute to get to the Start Mat.  As I walked over it the air just filled with that familiar sound.  Garmin’s and other GPS devices alerting their timers to be started.  Hearing that flood of ‘beeps’ made me laugh a little inside, at the same time I felt like I was right where I needed to be.  I was at home in the race, and it had only just begun!

The first 500 metres was where most effort had to be paid to finding a clear line and being able to run it.  I hadn’t really warmed up, so this first k would serve as my warm-up.  It was about 30 secs faster than my usual pace and about a whole minute faster than my warm-up pace.  Getting out of the way/finding a clear line was proving harder than I thought to not make that rookie mistake.

For the next 8k my rookie mistake would remind me in every step that I should have warmed-up properly!  “Shin splints”!

But I knew they wouldn’t last, I just had to get warm and tidy up my form.  Too bad it took me 8k to do so ha!

The first 6k – Oriental Parade and Evans Bay were really lovely, this is where there were still some residential houses and apartment buildings nestled in close to the bays bordering banks.  Then came a few commercial business block’s before the finish line for the 6.5’ers.

Our direction pulled us left toward Shelley Bay.  Before reaching Shelley Bay we would pass the Wellington Airport, of which bought back childhood memories of seeing huge planes flying so close overhead.

I was so happy with the Weather Gods at this stage.  We had had a strong wind pushing from behind on the way down the initial 6.5k, then there was not much until we got closer to Shelley Bay.  Sun was out, but it was cool.  The Bays hills provided some grateful shade and we didn’t need to worry about any harsh sun until we came back from turn around point.

We past halfway point, unfortunately no 10k PR’s for me to be had on this day.

My official Halfway time – 1:12:55.

In my head I made sure to remind myself that anything past this mark was deemed to be the “ass-end” of it all.

I felt good, I was in my zone, and transcendence in a place like that was so damn easy I forgot most of the time that I was actually ‘racing’.

Actually, I would have my mind out of my body for most of the Run.  So far everything was going according to plan.  In fact I had run a little faster than I wanted, so I knew that there was no chance of negative splits today. The second half of the race would almost certainly be longer than the first.

At roughly the 14k point was the turn around.  A Marshall about 2 bays back said the turnaround was just around ‘that’ corner…
…3 corners later!!

We headed back and crossed the Half Way Mat again.  We were definitely on the ‘ass-end’.

At the 17k point I was starting to feel a little tired.  It was the first sign of fatigue, and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before the fuel that I had been eating up until now was not going to make much difference to the pain that I was inevitably going to feel.

AMI Round the Bays 2014

I actually felt like I ate the whole entire time.  Every 20 mins I ate a third of a Waffle, they gave us jet planes at about 3.5k mark, I ate 2 of those, and then by the 18k mark I started digging into the Sport Beans.  I was just looking for any kind of sugar high at that point, anything to stop my mind thinking about the increasing aches in my hip flexor area, and in my knees.

At around 19k I would start to feel it in my quads.  From here I could see the end.  It was a bit of a tease and I couldn’t decide at the time whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that we could see it so clearly from 3k away!

Dad had been so cheerful and enthusiastic the whole way.  He was still cheerful at this point, it was kinda getting to me haha!  In fact Dad had been running the whole time every now and then pitching in his idea of what he was having for dinner that night…
…I was just worried about getting out of the Race alive!

Shelley Bay

21.1k clicked over on my Garmin and I still couldn’t see the Finish Line signs.  I had a wee bit of a ‘wtf’ moment wondering what was going on, or whether the GPS I had was not correct, or even that I had run the whole entire outside of the course.

It confused the shit out of me, and as your mind and body relax because of the 21.1 click over, everything after that starts to piss you off.

We turned into the last little stretch before the Finish Chute.  To top off the frustration about the extra 600 metres in the run, I had paced myself exactly where the bulk of the 6.5k walkers would reach the finish as well.  I felt like I ran extra just to take the far side of each corner and straight to dodge all the walkers sprawled out with strollers and children.


I knew that this was their day too, so I didn’t get mad about it, I just did my best to weave it through, there were little places where I could keep my speed up and I am pretty sure that at one point I came to a complete stop.  Not what I had imagined/dreamed up for my first Half Marathon Finish.

I came in with 2:32:58 on My Garmin.  The exact same time recorded for me using Time Chip.

I was really happy with what I had done.  I had left everything I had out on that 21.7k and I was elated to a point that took a good half hour to come down from.

Unfortunately for Jared it didn’t show physically or audibly.  I felt so close to death that I needed to be with myself for about 10 minutes or so as to not bite any ones head off.  I was in pain and I felt the blood rapidly pooling to my legs, I just couldn’t talk and I couldn’t stop walking.

I didn’t know what to do with myself, I just wanted to sit down, but my legs were pooling in such a way that it hurt to be stationary.

Finally I gave up on the fight with myself and crashed out on the ground.  Jared handed me my chocolate milk, still semi-frozen and I lay there chugging for dear life.

It was over, I was done, and there was no more distance to run.

I finished!


No spot prizes or placing prizes for me, but to run my first Half Marathon in a place like this was more than I could hope for.  My dad, had kept my pace the whole entire way.  He had enjoyed the slower pace, as it meant that he could appreciate the surroundings more than if he were to Race.

Thanks Dad, for your run-along support.  The first of many I am sure!

Huge Thanks to Jared too, for without him my legs may not have recovered as quickly.  The tents for massage were full so he rubbed my legs down while I quietly died in a puddle of my own exhaustion.


The rest of the day was spent with Wellington friends and too much Beer, A feast of a dinner and an early night’s sleep!

I look back now and think that there was nothing I could have done differently, nothing I would have done differently and that every single little step was according to a plan I had been dreaming up 4 months ago!  Everything was as it should have been and I enjoyed every single second of it, even the ones where I just wanted it to be done.

Medal time!

Love my Barefoot Inc Socks!


There is no limit to what can be achieved.  If you want it bad enough, if you make a plan to win, there is no reason why you won’t get there.
Ever hear that guy/girl tell you that you too could run a Half Marathon – believe them, they are right!

Wellington, you were great!

Still Running,

Jay 🙂

P.S. The actual distance of the Lenco Half Marathon Event was 21.7k.  There was an accidental extra 600 metres chucked in there.  The provided calculator from AMI to figure out my actual 21.1k time…


Sub 2:30 BABY!!!  Woop Woop!

Ready. Set. ….

Race Kit

Kit sorted

Garmin Charged

Hydrated to heck

Playlist sussed

All Carbed up

Ready to Run!

Weather forecasted to be fine with chance of showers at midday.  Westerlies with a high of 21.

As good as it is gonna get I think.


The most important thing in life is to be yourself, Unless you can be a Beast… Always be a Beast!

See you tomorrow at the finish line!

Jay 🙂

P.S. Pre-race Pics…

For those of us that can get away with a few brews the Night before Race morning…

Dads Pre-race Bevey

For those of us who can’t…

My Pre-race Bevey

The Bays we go round…
Poor phone pic, but you see that far bay right to the Left of the pic… I will be running round both and then halfway back.

Around the Bays

Can’t beat Wellington on a good day!

An almost meltdown!

Slightly obsessed…?


Totally obsessed!

And that is why I almost had a meltdown.

The reason for my meltdown?

I have a sore butt.  HAD a sore butt.  OK I have a semi-sore butt.

Anyway, it was sore enough yesterday for me to start having emotional thoughts of maybe not being able to run on Race Day, which is coming up in 2.5 weeks.

On Sunday I talked about a niggle in my Hammy and Glute.  Well that niggle increased to a pain.

I felt fine during my Speed Run yesterday morning, and I felt fine throughout the day.  It wasn’t until last night did it feel like more of an injury than just a muscle ache. 😦 !!!!!

I panicked! Big time!  Thinking about how hard I have worked up until this day without injury.  Following my plan, increasing gradually, not biting off more than I could chew, observing good recovery practices, I was doing my best to get to race day intact.

Well I am still intact, but sore.

I woke up this morning feeling 50 times better, an uninterrupted 8 hour solid sleep had helped bucket loads!

I visited my Chiropractor this morning, he was surprised to see me so soon, my next appointment wasn’t due for another month or so.

He assessed my spine and hips, did a bit of stretching with my leg muscles to see the damage.

Outcome:  Just the gradual accumulation of stress on my body has resulted in my woes.  He clicked me back into place, gave me some stretching homework, threw me a ‘Good luck’ for Race Day and sent me on my way.

He said not to worry, I am not wincing in pain, there is slight inflammation, but I am so close to Taper Mode that I should be fine.
I was a little tight but the adjustments loosened me up immediately.
“Eat your Sports Beans Janine and drink your water, run 21.1k and then stop”

That was his advice.

Extremely encouraged!

I have not had too much professional help along this journey.  Mostly advice from those who had done it before me.  Many a wise word of encouragement and story telling.

My Journey would always be different in the fact that I have had hip issues for a while now, so getting this far is a really choice achievement.  Different from all those I have spoken to, not so much different in the scheme of ‘people completing Half Marathons’.

Age is also creeping up on me, I am no spring chicken, and I haven’t always been active.  Actually for about the last 8 or so years I had been relatively inactive.  YIKES!

So I gotta cut myself some slack, I am doing alright.

Anyway, I have decided against doing my Hill run tomorrow, perhaps I will see how I am in the morning, but I really think I should rest my butt till Sat/Sun, where I run for the longest amount of time (non-stop) I have ever run ever ever – 2 whole hours!!!
My Hill run tomorrow is an important one, but if I run unhealed I am likely to do more damage!

Anyway, my meltdown has been averted, but I am not out of the woods.  I have to keep working hard, and I have to take care of my body.

Taper almost here,

Keeping my eye on the prize!

Jay 🙂

The longest argument ever!

Reist from – Run Hard Always Finish

It happened on my long run today.

I argued with myself for almost the entire 90 minutes!

I am coming back from a recovery week and god it felt like it!

There were quite a few times when I leveled out and felt comfortable, but the majority of the time it was damn hard work to keep my head in the game!

I was having a fight with myself, these are the things that ran through my mind…

“Pick up your feet you lazy bastard, you are stronger than this!”

“If you don’t make it, you will feel like shit!”

“Can I actually do this?  Will I make it on D Day”

“If only I had done this that and the other…”

“Urgh ‘Low Battery’ alert on Garmin”

“You have done it before, you can do it again!”

“There is chocolate milk at the end, run to the chocolate milk!”

“You are doing ok so far, just keep it up”

“Bleep Bleep, “Low Battery’, come on just another 30 minutes”

“Is this fizzy Nuun going to give me gas?”

“What are you like 2 years old? Chew the god damn Sports beans!”

“Drinking through this hydration pack straw isn’t that easy…”

“Wait, did my Garmin just die, Oh help me, it just died!”

“I’m doing ok, just get to the next street.  I’m at the next street, I am going to die!”

“Shit…. is that my glute?”

“Oh my god, my hammy”

And many more other good and bad things to entertain myself along the way.

But yes, right at the end, whilst hauling my ass up the last incline I felt a tightness in my glute, this ran down into my hammy.  I slowed my pace almost to a walk.  I mentally started kicking myself because of what could happen if I pulled either of these muscles just weeks out from race day.  I would soon be on my way to Sulk-ville.

After 11 hard weeks of getting myself to this point, its crucial for me to take care of myself and to also notice little niggles like today.

Tomorrow I go for the first of three massages I have booked myself in for.  All after the longest (non-stop) runs I have ever done in my life!  I hope this alleviates some of my worries with muscle niggles.

So I would have to say that today was a semi-success.  I got it done and kept up my goal pace.

I just have to wonder if it will be like this on race day – will I have to argue with myself the whole way?

Who knows, but as it stands I still have quite a fair amount of uncharted territory when it comes to distance.  I am about 7’ish k’s away from knowing what it feels like to be done!

As I enter into Week 12, where Business time means Business time, I think about trying my best to cover as much of that uncharted territory as I can.  This will be the last Build week before the event, it is the guts and the grunt of this thing!  I run for my longest amount of time, this time next week – 2 whole hours!

Otherwise, apart from all the mind games, and the wee niggles, I am happy with what I have done.  I have kept to the majority of the plan,and with every long run I have endured I find out something new about myself and my ability along the way.

Ever want to know or find out what you are made of?

Go on a long run!  You will find it there!

Feeling that high,

Feeling the hurt,

Feeling Relentless!

Jay 🙂

P.S. If you look just over to the side, just there >>>> you will see that I am just 22 days from Race Day. EEK!  Exciting, but Eeek more!

Finding my faith

I have stolen some much needed time just for me.

I am currently sitting in a salon with my head filled with foils. In between giving time to my children, to my husband, working on the house, planning birthday parties and camping ventures I have not had a chance to myself just to manage my own upkeep apart from my scheduled runs.
So I sit here writing up posts that I have had scribbled and floating around in my head, my blog has come last unfortunately for my readers, so this one is to catch you all up on my progress.

Progress there has been!!

Just because I haven’t blogged lately, doesn’t mean my world to has come to a halt. It actually means I have got my shit together and it is all happening… And at pace!

So here goes…

I am firmly in the middle of my fifth week of half marathon training.
Until the last day of week 4 I kept having that inkling that I may not make it (Dreaded DNF)!

Week 4…

I had spent all of last week in the Coromandel, a sun kissed coastlined beautiful part of the Country. My husbands family has a Bach in a small one road in/out town called Pauanui. It is very idyllic.


Lovely flat curving roads that intersect and make up the streets to the small town.
Perfect for ‘Easy’ running.
Exactly what my plan had prescribed for me.
2 days of 20min Easy runs. Both executed at a pace ave of 6.20mins/k, which is almost a whole minute decrease to what I usually comfortably run.


Week four would end with a 50min Course Terrain run, I ended up travelling home on the Sunday, just in time to spend 50 minutes running in the last little rays of sun that the day had to offer, round the estuary I know so well.
I ran a 6.45/k pace.
As I was running, I was remembering back to last week when I was consulting my plan neatly drawn up on my fitness calendar, thinking – oh god how am I going to manage 50 minutes non-stop at the faster pace I have been managing.
A great feeling came over me as I realised I was actually doing it. I was running easy…and quicker than usual.

My run ended in the dark, about 20 after 9.  As I walked up the front stairs leading to my entrance way I was taking stock of how I was feeling.
Legs great, feet great, hips great, energy great!
I felt I still had a good 20-30mins in me.

How encouraging!

I am assuming that the long runs on a Sunday are preparing your body to Run long on Race Day.

I now have faith in the plan, I am confident I will get there!

Now Week 5…

I look forward to continuing my week out, mostly dedicated to Hill work with one easy run thrown in.
20 min Hills yesterday, 30 min Hills tomorrow, 20 easy Saturday and 60 Hills Sunday, which I am slightly trembling about, but I know now that once it’s done I will be surprised at how I’ve done.

I will be spending my Sunday morning on the Mount. The only enjoyable place I can think of that is close to where I live where I can run hills and be happy about it.
It’s gonna hurt, but I will feel so badass about it!

BootCamp last night, I busted my ass to what I thought was my max, again I was surprised by what I achieved. BootCamp again tomorrow night with enough rest to get me ready for running long again.

It’s all very exciting in my head at the moment. Everything going to plan nicely, and continually exceeding my own expectations!

Week 6 bring accelerations, I’ll tell you all about it then,

Till then,

Live well, run long.

Jay 🙂

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