Month: January 2019

The Skinny on ‘What’s for dinner’ (also breakie and lunch)

Full disclosure, I’ve been a bit on and off following a huge change in my family’s lives super recently. Hubby is working a FIFO overseas job which has got me single parenting for half the year.

After almost a week of flying solo I have just about nailed the family routine.

If you’ve only just joined me – I’m a mum to 7 year old boy/girl twins, while heavily routine bound, I’m struggling presently with their attitudes *insert audible sigh here*

The kids for the most part are very well behaved and have good manners, it’s just that when you veer too far from the routine they get hangry, snappy and wingey. ALSO, it’s the last week of summer school holidays here in NZ so they really just need to go back to school!

Anywho, how this has impacted my behaviours:

⁃ not planning my meals correctly

⁃ going for long periods without eating because I’m lacking organisation which leads to me making poor choices

⁃ Impulse control is at an all time low because it’s kind of hard to be without ya soulmate for long periods of time. Comfort eater from wayyyyy back!

  • February is about getting back to my good eating habits and also introducing some kind of fitness routine.

    This heatwave in NZ currently can f**k right off though. Not conducive to good exercising habits when you’re sweating while standing still!!

    Aside from that, I’m getting a bit more action on my Stuff.My.Face Insta page, it’s a great encouragement to see that people are actually interested in watching my food journey – I then feel like I must keep up with it, and I’ve found that it’s forced me to ensure the food looks:

    1) good to eat

    2) easy to prep

    3) colourful – use of many different types of veg.

    My entire Paleo attempt is based around being easy, relatively affordable and also most importantly about sourcing new convenient products that make life for a paleo’er less complicated and more adaptable.

    So, back on the wagon, and improving on what I started,

    Jay 😊

    My non-resolution

    Really I just want to be an overall better self. I have a few low key goals but mostly just want to be an all round choice person.

    I’ve spent a lot of time being bitter about not quite winning at some things, but when I really think hard about some of those things – they just don’t even matter.

    My entire everything kind of hinges on how I feel, my physical health and emotional health. And really when I boil it all down – my diet and fitness is the first place to begin if I want to be emotionally on the level.

    When I think back to my very best and most healthiest days, I think of the solid 18months I spent on a paleo diet. I ran in a ton of road and trail races, I could do 18k on a casual lazy Sunday, I never got sick once and I was overall chill with a super sunny outlook.

    I started up again, I’ve hardly been 100% but I have been getting it mostly right for a week now and I’m already seeing some change – less bloating, more energy and just generally happier.

    I reached my best when I was blogging regularly, I guess it helped keep me accountable, even if I knew no one was reading. So here I am.

    Just to keep it even more real, I’ve been posting daily to my new Iggy –

    So here’s to some cool new stuff, and some solid tried and true stuff, I’m looking forward to a great 2019.

    Jay 😊

    New year new you… or just better you!

    Every now and then you get a dud year. 2018 was my dud year.

    I feel like I achieved zero things but expended a crazy amount of energy.

    I felt like 2018 was my ‘one step back’ both professionally and emotionally – consequently, financially as well.

    Anyone else feel like there was a big fat dark cloud hanging over your 2018 year? Like there was just some great big massive bad juju stuck on your shoulder that prevented you from living your best life…?

    If you follow a lot of spiritual insta and fb pages you would of seen the quote “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn” – 2018 was this for me, and 8 days into the year I am feeling a lighter healing sensation that I think will allow me to move forward.

    Full disclosure – I have never really been a spiritual person, but if severe illness has any upside, it would be that it forces you into a semi-life crisis and opens your eyes to what really matters in life. Also that going against the grain of your core values carves away at your soul. 2018 spat me out as an unrecognisable person who had lost their way, I felt fake and shallow and the entire opposite of who I felt I really was or am.

    I am not a resolutions type of gal, but 2019 is going to be a year of realisation and self-actualisation. For me it will be about channeling my energy in the right ways, and getting right with the universe. This may seem a little mumbo jumbo to some, but there is a lot to be said about sending out positive energy and light to be able to receive it back and that sometimes we are not actually the ones in control, but that there are greater forces at work. For some this is a god, the universe etc etc, I don’t actually know for sure, but what I do know is I’ve spent 2018 paying for something with my actual life, and I don’t actually want to ever feel that way again.

    So anywho, taking a holistic approach to getting right with the universe – what I’m eating, my finances, my soul, my family, my environmental decisions on the world and my place in it. It’s all getting a revamp, it’s all going to be part of my 2019.

    There are good things coming this year… I can feel it in my bones.