Month: June 2013

Adventure, my middle name!

Forearms, triceps, quads and feet all hurt today!

A 6.43km trail run followed by a whole bunch of Adrenalin Forest!

Adrenaline Forest | On a Jam Hunt
What is Adrenalin Forest you ask?

Let me show you…

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6 Pathways – 1 being easy, 6 being Adrenalin Max!!!  I only made it to Pathway 4 in the 3 hours that you are allowed.  Heights of Pathways range from 3 meters high to 18 meters high with with up to 17 challenges per Pathway!
The park is situated right in the middle of the TECT All Terrain Park – The Bay’s Biggest Adventure All Terrain Playground!.

I probably couldn’t have completed any more than I had unless I had a break in between for food.  I really did run out of energy to carry on.  Amy was always 1 or 2 activities in front of me, Jared boosted off to complete all 6 pathways, he was pretty darn Beast!!

These pics don’t do it justice.  The height and the difficulty of each of the activities combined with your mind trying to talk you out of going any higher, made for a very eventful day.
Except when I decide to freak myself out by stalling at the 3rd to last activity in the 4th pathway.  At first I had just run out of energy to carry myself across another couply of meters of intense exertion, but then as I continued to just stand there and look at how high up I was and how unforgiving the next activity was namely “Tarzan swing”, I almost neared asking for a rescue…kind of but not really but kind of… ha!

Tarzan | On a Jam Hunt

This is me finally taking the plunge and swinging after a good 10 minutes of having everyone in the park yell at me to do it!  Even a guy driving along the side of the park stopped to add his two cents worth!  Great motivation guys!

Oh and just a quick selfie of Amy lol she was the Photographer for today! 🙂

Amy | On a Jam Hunt

We had such a great day and plan to go back with a bigger group at an earlier time, with more nutrition if we want to add in another 6k/50min trail run as well!

Just reminded me of why I get out there in the rain, in the shine, getting my run on!

We get back in the game, we continue to make a Beast of ourselves!

Become Beast!

Jay 🙂

Feels like Day 1

I have had a buggery of a week!

Last Saturday night I went to Girls night, and had a bit too much of a good time!  My good time resulted in a hideous cold/flu!
My flu lasted all week!!!
On top of that I have had some severe eyestrain, something I have been suffering from for around 2 months now, so for the past week have had to avoid/restrict using my laptop or iPhone, which also means no Facebook or WordPress 😦
I have a lot of blog reading and writing to catch up on!

My first run for the week was yesterday.  I only managed 5.4km in about 40 minutes.
It seriously felt like Day 1 all over again.  I know I wasn’t 100% to begin with but I do believe a lot of it had to do with my preparation for the run.  Terrible food choices the day before, terrible hydration all week.  I really shouldn’t have expected anything more from myself out of that run.

End of the day, no such thing as a bad run, except a run not run at all.

Today was a new day and it was a good one too!  Separate post for today’s adventure!

Oh and btw…  500kms run since my debut back in late November, pretty chuffed about that.  Next stop… 1000km!

30.06.2013 133
Next Post…

Jay 🙂

Those dreaded words…

“You might want to take a break from the running until Friday’ish”

Kill me now!!!

So you remember when I fell over last Tuesday…?
Yeah, well I think I did something to my lower back/hip.  Its not a nagging pain and doesn’t bother me unless I am running probably more than 5 km, or doing sit up’s.  The pain feels similar to that of when I was carrying the twins and had a twist in my lower back, so I am assuming I still have some muscle memory from that and things just kind of slid back into that twisty spot…if any of that makes any sense to you.
Anywho, what this means is that I had a visit to the Chiro yesterday after the very poor run on the Sunday just been.  The run felt super awkward and after around the 6th Kilometer I did more walking than running, meaning I only achieved 7.4km in the hour that I had allowed for the run.  Boo!!!
So off I went dragging my hopeful butt to see my Chiro to help me set myself straight.
After some clicking and some twisting there was the question from Matt…
“So what are your plans for this week?”
My reply – “I am guessing no running for a wee bit?”
Matt – “You might want to take a break from the running until Friday’ish, maybe if you feel up to it a casual flat run/walk on Wednesday, and then back to normal Friday”

My heart sank… and sank, and sank… visualizing in my head that stupid rock that I failed to run over top of and instead began an unsightly descent, knees meeting the ground.  Just the other day Jared and I had a conversation about if there ever came a day when I could no longer run…  he used the naughty B word to describe how my resulting mood would be.  He is right, and I would feel sorry for anyone who would have to suffer my wrath while I got over myself and learned to maybe swim instead.

But this short wee set back will not stop me, I will be back up and running in no time at all (well it will be no time at all for you – more like an eternity for me).  Then plans to carry on with my 10k progress will be back into full swing.  I am super excited about going for a Mount run this weekend too.  Even if it is in the rain, like my Sunday run was…

View out my bedroom window daunting but totally do-able
View outside | On a Jam Hunt

Drying Shoes | On a Jam HuntPost-Run = Drying Shoes

Drying Janine | On a Jam Hunt
Thank god or that roaring fire!

Today consisted on a small walk about 2.5km’s, I kept kidding with Jared trying to find reasons for me to kick up into a run… he wasn’t having it.  “What if you end up hurting yourself more and are off running for more than a week?!?!”
*Hanging my head* my response – “okay okay”

So the adjustments to my week mean an easy run tomorrow, a longer run Friday and a Mount Run Saturday/Sunday.

I hate taking breaks!  I hate breaking!!

Well I hope you all are having a Beast of a week, get active for me a little huh,

Jay 🙂

Dreaming of an Ultra!

So after a draining miserable Tuesday, I worked hard to get today right!  In fact every day since Tuesday has been right.  Cals in has been right on track, and Run Day today went swimmingly!  Really looking forward to weighing in on Monday!

Completed Couch to 10k Week 10, Day 2 again today… for the third time lol  if you have read previous posts you would know I fell over on the first attempt, and then Tuesday just gone I was not in a good space.
My run today covered 9.2km in 1.10.  Nice cruisey pace, but again just enough to get me uncomfortable.  Day 3 for week 10 will be completed this Sunday.  Amy may rock along with me for this run, maybe… her dog ate a bit of her running shoes… she is real mad about that lol  I would be too… it would be like my life is over!!  Spending the time to break in new shoes – downtime – *supersadface*
Anywho…this Programme goes right up to week 14, and all going to plan I should be able to complete a 10km non-stop and in less than an hour with plenty of time to work in a speed run and a trail run each week after its completion!

Speaking of trail runs, I may thrash out a few Mount runs while Jared is home.  I miss the trails and am getting kind of bored with the Estuary route I usually take.  I really hope the repetitiveness doesn’t affect my overall running mood, I will make a decent effort to mix it up without going too far away from my original training plans!
I have been thinking a lot lately about the Tarawera Ultramarathon 2014.  I have plans of completing a half marathon early next year, but since meeting a MyFitnessPal friend – namely Glenn, have not stopped thinking about perhaps entering a team.  I don’t know if I could find 3 other crazy people who would be keen to thrash out some of the course in a relay.  If anything I will definitely volunteer in some way – Glenn did mention about pacing him for 20k of the course… I am pretty amateur, so I am not quite sure I would be any good at that job.  However it was really inspiring for him to even put it out there for me.

A crazy dream for me, but totally do-able…if I have anything to do with it ha!

As I have said before, every great runner had to start at the beginning, and that’s exactly what I have done!
Dream Big, but make sure to Live your dream!

Till Sunday,

Do It to It!, Become a Beast, Rock your weekend!

Jay 🙂

Carbs, Sugar and Poo!

Ok lets start off with the good news…

My weigh-in yesterday tells me I have lost 2.3kg!!!  Im pretty amped about that!  I am also starting to notice a difference in my core and leg strength due to all this Abs and Squat challenge business.  I am on to something good with that!  Consistency really is key!

Ok and now the crap news…

I have had a pretty stink last few days.  My good eating habits went AWOL (too much Carb action, and far too many sugary treats) , it probably went to where ever my ‘happy’ went.  Sunday was my eldest sons 11th birthday, who I have not seen since he was 4 years old.  He lives in Australia with his dad for reasons that are too lengthy and complicated to fit into this post, nor do I really want to spill, we will just leave it at that.  Anywho, I always get a bit emo around this time of year.  This year it seemed to last 3 whole days, but it is time to just get on with things and be happy about stuff!  I never like to be sad for too long anymore anyway, its a waste of life, and you only get to do life once!

As a result of the shit eating habits, I had a terrible run today, so terrible that when I went to log it on MyFitnessPal, it was considered a ‘WALK’, a very very brisk WALK is what I had to select as my speed *bigfatsaddyface*!!!
Just days before I had read a post by Colin over at UBERBEASTMODE, titled Improperly fueled bodies are the worst.  Was this not a sign to keep my shit together for Run day!?!?!

Nike Run App 11.06 | On a Jam Hunt
Meh enough of the Boo stuff, moving on quick smart, spent enough time on negativity… except I do need to express one last rant…

Attention all Dog Owners!!!  Clean up the God Damn Poo!!!  Seriously!! (Apologies for the pic of poo lol)

Poo on Boardwalk | On a Jam Hunt
As if I wasn’t already in a shithouse mood, I had to dodge poo all down the boardwalk. GARRR!!! (sorry mum for swearing)

Right, moving on…again lol

Ran past my rock I tripped over last week lol  and walked back past it on my way back…

Estuary Run Rock | On a Jam Hunt
Quite frustrating to see how much this rock ‘was not‘ sticking out of the ground, which means I was being more than lazy with picking up my knees for my run that day.

Also took this pic, the Estuary water looked so great on such a nice fine day!  My iPhone pic just doesn’t do it any justice.

Estuary Run 11.06 | On a Jam Hunt

I wish my run was just a great as the weather today, but I will just have to work on that when I have my next run day on Thursday.
I will be able to up my run days next week as the hubby is home, yay for free childcare!  I am so excited about this, I feel like 2 runs a week four days apart is just not enough to get me to where I want to be.  In between weather permitting I can wog (walk/jog)  with the children in stroller, but its winter time here, and I do not need sick children while home on my own!!  Besides they’re almost 10kg each, plus weight of stroller, urgh!  Its no easy feat!  But I will do it if it is my only option to get a run in.

Plan for the rest of this week….
1.  Stop being sad!
2.  Continue with logging on MFP
3.  Fuel myself properly for runs
4.  Keep on with my 10k App
5.  Be Awesome!

Apart from being amazingly awesome, I hope you all have some great plans for the remainder of your week, tomorrow is Hump Day!!

Be Awesome, Be Beast!!

Jay 🙂

One foot in front of the other…

…unless you fall over!

I fell over garr!!  I calculated it added a whole minute to my kilometer!!!  BOO!!

Banged up knee Hand scratches

I was having a really lazy run and I wasn’t lifting my feet high enough to dodge tripping on a big fat rock sticking out of the ground!
I have a feeling it was because I boosted so hard in the 4th kilometer, because maybe if I boosted harder it would somehow make the 15min straight run go quicker therefore getting to my 1 minute walk faster.  I must be high!!  What the heck right…idiot!

07.06.2013 076
See that little disgruntled “I got injured” face – yes that’s me!  More because I was wasting time, and less because I might have skinned my knees! oh and btw Add me on Nike+ Running –

I did not have my ‘smart’ hat on today, and I paid.  Well I say I fell and am making it out to be all dramatic and bad, it wasn’t really, quite mild in fact and was wondering why I came off so lightly, no blood etc.
Amy and I ran on after dusting myself off, and 3-4 minutes later I told her we should have got a picture of the rock so I could blog it!!  Quietly thinking that if I had a picture of this rock, then people would know I didn’t just fall over my own feet ha!

I think I also spent too much time looking around the estuary and not enough time looking at the ground.  My mind set is if I spend too long running with my head down I get tired and feel like the run is going on for forever.  I tried not to look down too much lol  and I ass over! urgh!  Amy thinks it was a silly idea haha

Meh!  It didn’t stop me pushing on, and I was more worried about completing Week 10 – Day 2 of the Couch to 10k.  I feel I must complete this day again because I stuffed up.

Over all we completed the App in 7.5-8km.
Week 10 requires you to warm up for 5 mins, run for 15mins and walk for 1 min, repeating the walk and run 3 times, then another 5 min warm down.  Next week (week 11) requires a 17min run, 1 min walk, again repeating 3 times.

So far I have been surprised at my efforts on these runs using the app.  I usually have to stop to walk around 7 or 8 times, which isn’t really running a 10km lol.  Now this has been reduced to 3 or 4 times, and soon will be 2 or 3, then on to no stops!  Exciting!!
We will get there team!  And even though I realise this is a slow steady process, I always remember to appreciate how far I have come… Literally from the couch!!!

We will achieve that sub 1hour!!

Plenty tired today however we are on track for Calories in/Calories out and am feeling good!

Push on, Beast on,
Have a strong weekend Beasts!

Jay 🙂

Achieving the sub 1hour

My Butt hurts!  And this is why…

My next event is not for another 12 and a half weeks.  Another 10km run, and because I have a lengthy amount of time before I smash it, I thought it best to tackle it the smarter way, rather than just enter the event and hope for the best like I did the last one.
I have devised a triple threat plan.  A vague plan but a plan nonetheless!
1.  Get back on My Fitness Pal (MFP)!  Adjust settings and crack on to get to goal weight!

Today is my second day back at using MFP.  I initially started MFP roughly 9 months ago, I was successful in losing 12kg, then kind of hit a road block and lost focus early this February.  I have been on again off again since and really couldn’t find the motivation to keep on with it.  This Sunday just gone I found that motivation that I had lost with the completion of my 10km race.  It confirmed for me that I need to be lighter, I need to be faster!

Feel free to add me 🙂

I also have my fitbit synced to MFP…


2.  Complete c210k properly, without skipping weeks/days to build up endurance

Five weeks ago I had decided I would opt for the 10km Race option rather than the 5km.
I didn’t follow any kind of training plan to be able to complete the entire 10km distance, I just increased the kilometers I ran over those 5 weeks until I had covered 10.  Whether or not I could run the entire 10km non-stop, I was going to do it anyway.
Ambitious, but silly really.  I couldn’t run non-stop and this frustrated me losing valuable seconds.
Thus, I will complete it properly day for day, week for week, repeating days/weeks if I have to, I want to nail it!  And once nailing the 10km, I work on speed!

Todays run was in Big Ole Fat Rain!
Rainy Trail
Can’t really see the rain in that pic lol but it was there.  An hour and a half later it was twice as dark and twice as heavy!  Lucky I went when I did!
I have also traded in the sunny’s for a beanie!  It also helped to keep rain out of the eyeballs lol
04.06.201 026
I really enjoyed todays run, I took it easy covering around 9.4km in an hour and 13 mintues.  In the cool conditions and empty trails I was comfortable enough to just focusing on the run – breathing, cadence and speed.  Relaxed and cruisey, but still pushing slightly into uncomfortable territory for the old aerobic system.

Podcast and Beast Tune/listening for the day over on my Beast Playlist.


3.  Add in some strength training to weekly regimen

I haven’t really done much strength training since I have started running, the closest thing I have done was completing the 30 Day Shred, which I owe a lot of my weight loss too.
For the moment I have no structured strenght training plan, I am just completing the June Ab challenge that I came across on the Running for Health and Fun FB page.  I am also completing the Squat challenge along side this.

Squat Challenge Ab Challenge
So with the accumulation of 165 squats over 3 days, plus two 9-10km runs with mixed terrain, gives me some valid excuse to have a sore butt!  But its a good sore, because I am 3 days closer to a stronger run!  Yay for Butt and Ab Rest day!
This plan will give me a month to figure out how I am going to get myself into something a bit more structured.

If this plan doesn’t help me to achieve that Sub 1 hour, I don’t know what will!  I am pretty sure Sub 1 hour is a realistic goal.

Next run day will be Friday, until then keeping to my MFP settings and getting a better butt and core with my Monthly challenges.

I am sure to get some positive results from all of this anyway.

Hope you all have some Beast plans to get your run stronger!

Beast on Y’all

Jay 🙂

Race Report: Mount Joggers 2013 10km Run

Woke up this morning from a really rested 7 hour sleep, What parent with twin toddlers gets that! ha!  I am one lucky mama!
Plain Bagel and a handful of grapes for breakkie and I was out the door with the Sister-in-law Kelly to drop children off and pick up Amy for today’s event.
All ready to go in our tried and true race day gear we were ready to make our very first timed 10km.
And just so we don’t attract to much attention to ourselves we wore this on the back of our shirts…

02.06.2013 080 02.06.2013 091

Kelly of course was still bitter toward me almost all the way to the venue, saying “you do this for fun?”  Me thinking – haha!  Doesn’t everybody?!
We Park up about 5 mins walk away and we head in to see Half marathoners finishing their last loop, I couldn’t wait to get started!
The venue was swarming with runners of all shapes and sizes, in it for a PR or for a fun run, the place alive with enthusiasm, all just as eager as I was.  At this point I wasn’t nervous, in fact the whole day I wasn’t nervous, I was just itching to get out there and do it.
5 minutes to start gun and we crowd around in the start lane.  5-4-3-2-1… the sea of people move more quickly than I had thought it would and we had past the start line with in seconds.  I could tell some took off too fast for 10km abilities, stopping to walk even before the 1km mark.
Amy and I had a plan, and we were keeping to our plan – a nice easy pace all the way to the 7th km, where we meet the Mount and get amongst the trail, then we would get some sprints in there for all the downhills!  Meanwhile Kelly had already buggered off up ahead, we saw her briefly at the beginning quickly weaving through the crowd making her way closer to the front pack.

The first 2km flew by quicker than we had planned, I guess the excitement of being among 400+ runners was just too much for us.  Just after 3km we met the turn around point and made our way back toward the start area which we had to pass through to get to the next part of the route.  As we move through the starting area and take a left down and around to the next straight, we see Kelly’s husband Caen and two kiddies waving furiously to anyone, not quite sure where Aunty Neenee was among all the other runners.
We approach the next turn around bay, boost round and head toward the Mount to do the last 3 or so k’s, both Amy and I still donning Cheshire Cat smiles at this point, so excited to get to the bit of the race we know so well.  “I can see it”, “Were almost there”, “To the last trailer”, “Yes! The last trailer!!!” – You had to be there to know what we were on about haha we do this, conversate about were we would slow it down, pick it up, go nuts and boost, haha we tag team!  I honestly don’t know how I would rate on a solo run, we just feed off of each other!

We meet the entrance to the Mount base walk way and we pretty much boost through past what I counted to be 7 runners in our race, the ones who peaked too soon and didn’t save anything for the Mount.  We start talking out our plan we had made for the Mount, Run here, walk this uphill, sprint this down hill, cruise this flat.  We met the 9km marker, our Nike Apps sounded metres after, “9 Kilometres, Time – 1 hour, 4 minutes…”  Amy – “Oh My God, did you hear that, 1 hour 4 minutes”…. We push on harder and faster, still following our plan, but with smiles 50 times bigger than they were at 7 k’s.
We meet the dreaded ‘Big Hill’, the one that I am sure all Mount runners solemnly sigh at knowing that they must get up it to get to the end, half marathoners twice so.  Its not a big hill, not a hugely steep hill, but after running 9km (for someone who only started the 10km distance 4 weeks ago) is a “Fuck this” moment – excuse the french!

We got to the top of that hill, Glenn’s voice in my head, “Use those Glutes”.  Eyes widen as we are heading for the home stretch of board walk, adorned on both sides with spectators.  That last 500 metres seems so easy to sprint across, so many strangers cheering their lungs out even though they don’t even know you from a bar of soap.  It was actually really great to hear as we didn’t have anyone there from our own families/friends cheering us on.

After pounding that boardwalk as fast as we could, giving everything we had left, Hi-fiving all the way down to the finish, We cross that line, we slow our pace, we find our bearings and we start going on about how much fun we just had, and incredibly great we feel.  It was like teen aged girls at sleepover, children who have had too much sugar, crazy drunk people at a sports game rooting for the winning team!  We were so filled with endorphin’s, it was over-flowing!

Race bib and R-Line

We grab some R-line and head toward Kelly who had finished the race at 54.53, She was a machine!  Even for someone who run’s purely to burn cals, I hope today she felt a little bit of we felt, the running for fun feeling!  Judging by her results today, she should be really proud of what she achieved, I can only hope to get sub-1 hour one day!

Mount Joggers 10km Kelly's Time

We clocked at 1.11, 5 whole minutes off of our best 10km, probably only the 4th or 5th 10km distance that we had ever run before, ha!  And even though my shinsplints came back to haunt me for the first 3 k’s, I loved every single minute second of it!

Mount Joggers 10km Result

I really can’t wait to get into my Half Marathon training, I can’t wait to get to my next event, I cant wait to heal up and go for my next run… I just can’t wait!

Next time I will have to get someone to take more pics, but there you go – My Race report.

Next event – Whangamata Run/Walk Festival August 31st.

Now for some Beast rest!

Jay 🙂

10km Race day Playlist – I gotta be unstoppable

Here is what made the cut.. I am ready get all over this 10km!

1.  Welcome to the Black Parade – MCR
2.  How to fight loneliness – Wilco
3.  Flaws – Bastille
4.  God’s gonna cut you down – Johnny Cash

5.  Celebrity Skin – Hole
6.  Rolling in the Deep – Adele
7.  Supernova goes pop – Powerman 5000
8.  Moves like Jagger – Maroon 5
9.  Set fire to the rain  – Adele
10.  Bridge Burning – Foo’s
11.  Keep it comin – Phil Maffetone
12.  Titanium – David Guetta
13.  Rise and Shine athlete motivation Ad – 
14.  These Days – Foo’s
15.  When worlds Collide – Powerman 5000
16.  Bat Country – Avenged Sevenfold
17.  Sweet Dirty Beat – DJ Sharky
18.  The Vulture – Pendulum

OK, Lacing up now, more hydration then I am going to get all “I’ve got to be unstoppable”, Like this guy….

Wish me luck and cheers,

Time to go get my beast on!

Jay 🙂