Race Report: Smith Sport’s Shoe’s Tauranga Trail Run 2013

This by far was the toughest Race I have done so far, it busted my balls to the max!

Here we go…

Woke at 5 in the dirty am!  For the last 2 weeks no matter how late I go to bed, still up at 5am! Garr!

I got up and out of bed at 5.30am because I would end up wriggling about in there and waking up the hubby.  Chucked on some compression pants and a top and headed out the back door to do some yoga.  Yoga Practice for Runners – Refreshing!

With my legs all limber I got kitted up and started organising my house for departure.  We would have to leave early to get my children to the Nanny’s house and then make the trip out to the TECT Park.

It was around 13 degrees outside, I was hoping that it would be overcast today, or even occasional showers.  No such luck for me Yesterday.

Anywho, I was hydrated and had all Tec gear on so I felt light and cool.  Feet felt good, legs felt good!  I had gone number two’s too – It was all down hill from here!

Breakfast was a PB and Banana Bagel.  Pre-race night I chugged a bit of an electrolyte bevey and a wee bit more in the morning on waking.  I packed my Honey Stinger’s, more water for afters, camera batteries charged.  Ready to go!

By the time we left the house just after 8am, the sun was already high in the sky, I was hoping to god that the heat wouldn’t kill me!  I don’t think god was listening – probably out saving someones life or something…?

Arrived at the TECT park, the total entries were about 560+.  A perfect amount for the park I think.  The 10k and 30k had already started, we had about 40 minutes till our race start (9.30am).

TECT All Terrain Park

Sunscreened up my shoulders and back, I didn’t worry too much about my face, I am not fair skinned so I don’t burn easily, I just know that last week my Buffalo girl run resulted in some stingy afterglow!

Racer back tan!!

Racer back tan!!

Headed down to the start line 5 mins before Start time for briefing, the first of the 30k’ers would past by starting their second lap of the 15.  These guys and girls – total machines!  I made sure while I was out being past by them that I cheered them on, they were running long!  Inspirational!

Group pre-race | On a Jam Hunt Blog

Pre-race pic! | On a Jam Hunt Blog

I had positioned myself about at the mid mark of the pack, so just at the back of all the runners, and in front of all the walkers, the run wasn’t timed chipped but because there were only about 100 odd it wasn’t too much of a big deal to get past the start line.

Start line | On a Jam Hunt Blog

Start siren sounded and the pack moved quicker than I thought it would, this was ok, I had planned to go at my own pace.  I knew full well that I had to use the first k for my warm up.  My warm up included the first of many steep road hills and a dirt track small hill complete with plenty of switch backs.  The small dirt track was very narrow and proved to be a bit of an annoyance as the beginning of any race will be the filtering of fast and the not so fast – this narrow track didn’t help with that as I ended up walking the majority of it following like sheep the long line of people.

The second k was easier to maneuver around people, but by then we had found a good spot among the other runners and pretty much kept this spot the whole way through.  We ran through the wide open 4WD track leading to the first aid station at the 3km mark nestled nicely under the last lot of pines before an open space of trail that bordered along a gravel road.  I didn’t have any water here, my dad made sure to chat to every volunteer and because he would run ahead most of the time, he would park up and wait for my friend Amy and I to catch up.  He spent a great deal of time admiring the scenery haha!

The electrolyte beverage at this event was R-Line.

Once reaching the top of the gravel road we continued onto the Buffalo girl.  About a half k worth of gradual downhill and slight uphill before going down again over a small stream meeting up with the next uphill that would continue for the next 3km or so.

I ran my nike app which was about 1.7km out in terms of GPS, but it was a good guide for me especially when it came to taking nutrition.

Through the larger stream and then continuing up the gradual hill mostly tree covered which provided some nice relief from the sun.  4 km sounded which at that point my GPS was almost accurate.  Because we were still experiencing the uphill I decided to slowly gnaw away at my first honey stinger (at 45 mins, then another 45 mins later).  I had done one long trail run with these and they worked well.  The only concern I had was that they get warm and melty if kept in my tech short pocket, still edible though, I will try out one of their gels to see what they are like on my next long run.

At the beginning of this hill I had a slight niggle around the Achilles/calf area.  By the time I was done with the hill this niggle had gone.  I am glad I played this day safe!

We make it to the almost top of the hill where the tree lining of the trail stopped, here we encountered some more steeper uphill but on gravel road.  I made sure to stay super careful on this road, the stones were big and I didn’t want to roll my ankle.  Approaching the last little bit of this hill I see my dad right at the top sitting on a tree stump. GOH!  I was motioning to him to push on… he wanted to wait.  I should have given him a camera – make himself useful ha!

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At the top of this hill we were about half way.  From here was a beautiful view of the Mount (Mount Maunganui).  I wish I had stopped for a picture on my phone, it was worth the long trek up all that hill!

Down hill for about a k or so, lots of switch backs, no trees, more gravel road.  My mini pump water bottle was warm but I still continued to sip.  We came to the bottom of a steep sealed road hill.  I had experienced this hill on my training run.  I loathed this hill!  But at the top would be a nice aid station waiting for me.

Second Aid station | On a Jam Hunt Blog

Dad had run up ahead and said he would wait at the top.

We got to the top, dad was helping the volunteers pick up all of the dropped water cups haha!  He had time.  I had two sips of my water and poured the rest down the back of my neck. BLISS!  It dried within 5-10 mins.  I didn’t have any electrolyte drink, I was scared it would make me feel ill.

6km to go and we pop back on to the Buffalo girl.

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At about 4k out from the Finish I ate my last Honey stinger.  On my training run I only had one.  I think the second made all the difference for facing the end where there would be a shit load of stairs to battle!

We then pop on to ‘Uno’ – a mountain bike track, this runs for about 600m or so before we meet the small bit of trail that cruises on to Te Rerenga, my first ever trail.  I was glad at this point that I knew it like the back of my hand.  All the corners and turns, the tunnel and stairs – it was all automatic.

We run through some nice trail leading up to the tunnel where we were met with some marshals that had glow-sticked the path inside the tunnel.

As we meet the first of many stairs I could see that Amy was tiring.  We had boosted up the first few flights past a few people where we could and I saw Amy turn pale.  I didn’t tell her that she was because I knew she would panic, instead I asked her if she wanted to slow down for a rest or let a few people past.  She said no and kept going.

We finally get to up the last lot of stairs and on to a big open space of cut pines.  Amy looked fine by then.  Many months ago I had run this area and it was my favourite part because it was heavily tree-lined and provided nice cool shelter.  Today it almost killed me!  No more glorious tree-lined bush!  I would have filled my mini pump bottle if I had of known it had been flattened out.  Eek!

Amy up ahead

Amy up ahead

We wogged through this bit, knowing that we were only a k or so out from finish.  Dad was talking almost this whole way saying we were doing great and to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  At this point I was ready to throttle him… it’s no wonder that I like to hit the trails alone haha!

The last little bit of trail settled among the tall pines.  We meet the last lot of marshal’s directing us around a small pond that will end with 20 or so metres of windey trail with Finish line gloriously ahead!

I see Jared waiting with the camera ready to take a pic – it wasn’t a very good one, very blurry and only had just got me in the pic haha, I didn’t really care too much, I was pining for a sit down and a chocolate milk!

We reach the end which was slightly less triumphant that I had imagined, but in my head I told myself “Holy Shit, I just ran 15k over a million freeking hills!!  BADASS!!”

I just wanted to sit, and get my shoes off.  I had packed a pair of Jandels, they were my savoir!

Tired legs!

Tired legs!

I experienced one minor blister, on my heel, but that was because my sock had slipped down – note to self: Purchase up-to-the-ankle sport socks!  It didn’t bother me, it is a runners life!
My hips were achey, my hammys and glutes were achey.  My calves were good, My Freeking Arches were AWESOME!

Blister | On a Jam Hunt Blog

I left everything I had out on that land and I came away unscathed!  Hallelujah!

Chocolate Milk recovery | On a Jam Hunt Blog

I finished in at 2.12.  This was 12 minutes more that I had hoped for, but there are plenty of things that I can work on to PR this, most of the things are easy seconds that can be made up.

2.12 for a 15k trail run | On a Jam Hunt Blog

A nice big slice of Bacon and Egg pie, a recovery cup of Chocolate Milk and a semi-decent beer!

We hung around for prize-giving, Two ladies that had been walking the 15k along with my sister and step-mum had left but gave us their tickets to redeem any spot prizes they may have potentially won.  As fate would have it they won me a pair of minimalist/barefoot sport socks…. maybe this is a sign to go minimalist?

Overall it was a great day, a great event!  I prepared well, and I did well.  I will cane it next year, I can feel it with all of my being!

Till we meet again Buffalo Girl!

Run long!

Jay 🙂

Taking the scenic routes scenic route! On Pimping the Beast!

So according to my Nike app, I have run 14km today.

To be fair, I probably walked about 3-4k of it, I walked a fair bit at the end, and I walked along the way because a) taking photo’s for my dad or b) trying to find my way, choosing which direction to take…


I ran the TBC and Buffalo Girl trails up at the TECT.

I say ‘scenic route’ because it is the biggest trail route mapped out at the TECT.

TECT All Terrain Park

And I say ‘scenic route to the scenic route’ because I accidentally missed a turn off and added about 3.5k to my journey.  I really wished I hadn’t, but meh – I didn’t die!

TBC trail

This is about mid way into the TBC trail.  It is a very short one about 1.5-2k that meets up with the Buffalo Girl.  It is the first part of actual trail that I would experience next Weekend (OMFG NEXT WEEKEND!!!).  The first Kilometre or so would be mostly made up of Road, some of it gravel.

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I wasn’t planning on doing such a big distance, but because I wasn’t in a rush to be somewhere or do something for once, I decided I’d take it easy and try get the whole Buffalo Girl done.

I had planned the previous night, to run it hard and to only do a 4.5k there and track back 4.5k.  I had chugged about a quarter of an electrolyte drink after dinner, and another quarter on waking up.  I had a bit of water and had more carbs than I usually would’ve this morning.

Of course because I was enjoying the trail well past 4.5k, I just kept going.

There had been quite a lot more work done to the Park since the last time I had run it, so there was plenty that looked different.  I was at times making it up as I went along.  Trees had been chopped down, roads and trails covered with gravel, new routes dug in, new baby trees planted.  It was very confusing, but I didn’t worry too much about it.  I knew eventually I would come out to the Mountain Bike hub no matter which path I took.

It seems I took the longest possible! GOH!

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The baby trees, that I am pretty sure werent there last time I ran this trail…either that or I took the wrong turn off!

12.10.2013 017

SO MUCH FREEKING CUTTY GRASS!!  My legs felt it in the shower! ARCH!

At 45 mins, I decided I would try the Honey Stinger Waffle I had stashed in my running shorts.  It had a slight chocolate flavour, but not enough to make you feel sick, it was semi-sweet and the waffle was plain.  Exactly as I hoped it would be!  I think they were a success.  I actually felt after the 6th and 9th km that I had found a 2nd and 3rd wind, possibly because of the waffle? Not sure, but I hope to train my half with them.

I also took a mini pump bottle of water with me, it was enough I guess, but lets just say by the 11km I was thanking god that there would be water stations on Race Day.

The last few k’s I walked, it was all uphill on gravel road, my trail shoes were good, but not that good.  Plus my glutes, hammys and calves were starting to tighten up, I’d say I probably needed a little bit more fuel for having run almost 2 hours in technical bush.  Especially for someone as novice as I am.

I had kept in a cooler bag another bigger bottle of water and a small chocolate milk.  God I am good!  I needed both!  In fact on the last 2k or so I was dreaming of Pie and Beer! (I have requested both from my family for actual Race Day)  I was so hungry, it was past lunch time and I had expended all I had to give on that trail!  Not to mention the 5k that I quick walked this morning for a secret reason – more about that later!

I will maybe run up at the TECT once more, but I will do the 5k loop.  If not the TECT then definitely up the Mount.

Good day, Feeling energised!  Maybe the fuel and extra hydration did it for me.  I am scared to think about how I will feel tomorrow.  Hopefully as close to Tip Top as I can possibly feel after a 14k ha!

And that my friends, is how I Pimped the Shit out of the Beast! BOOM!

How about you? Any long distances you have up your sleeve today?  Any increases in your strength training?

Till tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

P.S. Totally hit up 26000 steps today, my most to date! WOOP!

A Loss! but still Rubbish! On Pimping the Beast!

I am still feeling like rubbish!  I am awake and I am able to be attentive for the entire day, But I am tired and am stuck in that funk right between ‘Feeling Tired’ and ‘Feeling Sick’.  I am both of those things, but not quite, if that makes any sense?

Today I jumped on the scales, even though it is not official weigh-in.  I am weighing every fortnight, and because I weighed last week, I need to wait again till next Monday.  I did not wait. Goh!

I have achieved a loss of 300 grams, which is awesome!  But I feel like shit!  I am officially into the 74th Kilogram, but because I feel horrible, I haven’t quite got excited about it!

I have a few theories…

I may have an Iron deficiency – I kinda doubt it because I have been eating spinach like no bodies business, but at the same time, I have lowered my red meat intake, instead I have been hitting up fish and chicken.It may or may not be this, but as a lady… who experiences ‘Lady Days’ this may well be the root cause.

I may not be eating enough – Today I went on to MFP to check my settings.  It was set to ‘Lightly Active’.  I hardly think that I am just ‘Lightly’ Active, I am doing something everyday for a lot of the day so I bumped it up to “Active” instead, this gives me an extra 100 cals a day, not that I feel I need it, I am satisfied as I am, but we will give it a whirl.  There are also activities that I don’t log that maybe I should?  Stuff like the windows I am stripping, that is pretty freeking physical, Mowing the lawns, Stationary biking for 5mins!?! Hardly Counts!, Some of the Weight training I do – in my mind it doesn’t feel like I have exherted enough energy for it to even count, walks that I take almost daily – again I don’t feel like I am exhert myself much at all.  Maybe I should be logging these, but then I have a fitbit, so it kinda does it for me anyway…

My macros may be off – I don’t get too much into this, because I just don’t have enough knowledge to know what is right.  But perhaps on my run days I am not eating enough Carbs.  I know I eat plenty, shit I eat a sandwich almost everyday, I freeking love sandwiches!  But I don’t know much about how much of what I should be eating.  I just try kick it low fat as much as poss, and almost every single day I am hitting the correct amount of Cals while feeling full and satisfied.

I can’t say it is not enough sleep, I sleep most nights 7-8 hours, which is more than the average person I am sure.

Dehydration?  Maybe.  It has been super hot lately, but I drink enough I think.  I am never thirsty.

Maybe I need to get laid?  Quite possibly!

And before you go any further with your thinking…I am not knocked up!

Who knows, but I have made a few changes to what I have been doing, although it has been working in a ‘weight’ sense, not so much in the energy sense.  I will see how it all goes.

Oh I ran today.  Which was good and shit at the same time.  I did what I needed to, I just didn’t enjoy it as much as usual.  Heavy legs, bad form, breathing was fine, but it was HOT!

Meh, tomorrow I go out to the TECT!  Carbing up tonight and in the morning for a Long hard run.  I hope to be feeling better before, during and after haha!  Experiencing some of natures medicine!

Ok so there wasn’t too much Pimping going on today, but how about you?  Ever hit that ‘in between’ funk?  What are your plans for the week?

See you tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

P.S.  I am pretty stoked about how muscly my legs are these days, I kind of feel a little badass about that! ha!

Squat till you drop! On Pimping the Beast!

Up’ed the Leg Strength training today.

(These are not my legs, mine are far from being this muscular…for now!)

Hammy’s hurt, quad’s hurt, glute’s hurt… and I haven’t even experienced the DOMS from it all yet!

Enjoying it though!

I missed out on a run out at the TECT today, this stormy weather needs to bugger right off!  I even fueled for a hard trail run this morning, when it didn’t happen I was pissed!  I had to control the rest of my Cals to work for the rest of my day. GAH!

I did jump on the Bike this arvo, but not for long, children woke up from nap time early!

Having Endorphin withdrawals already!

Getting in my daily burn is becoming increasingly difficult, but we do our best!

Did you run today?  What was your distance?

See you tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

Pimping the Beast 30.10.2013 – A Crush on running

You know that feeling you get when you are in the beginning days of a relationship.  The butterflies you feel in your tummy and the nervousness you get from just being around that other person…?

Yeah I had that, again! and Gosh did I Pimp out the Beast today!  It had bling and everything!

It has been months since I have been out to the TECT Park for a decent trail run, and today I finally got out there 3 weeks shy of my 15k event.  Here is my run…

TBC/Buffalo Girl | On a Jam Hunt Blog

A bit missing, but you get the jist.

I gotta tell ya, all I could think of last night and this morning was getting out there and running it again.  I was trying to re-call the bends and dips and the differing terrains all in one course of which is named Buffalo Girl.

I took my friend Amy out there, she was a Buffalo Girl Virgin before today.  We had run the Te Rerenga trail plenty of times before, almost once a week at one stage, but never had we struggled together through the Buffalo Girl.

The Cutty grass that cut Amy's leg which made her holla a weird noise, that scared me and had me actual jumping very high in the air!

The Cutty grass that cut Amy’s leg which made her holla a weird noise, that scared me and had me actual jumping very high in the air!

The Buffalo Girl trail is about as complex as Te Rerenga, but on a bigger scale.  Steeper hills, streams, long gradual ups and downs, elephant graveyards…

Today we completed about 4k (4 there and 4 back, didn’t allow enough time to thrash the whole lot) of the 15k distance that my Trail run in November will call for.  I gotta tell ya, because I don’t get a heap of child-free time between and now to train for the event, I know that the last 5k is going to be somewhat like a semi-suicide mission and I will be running on pure mental grit!

If you have followed me for long enough, you will know that the longest distance I have completed in an event is 10k – and that was road running.  I am just going to give it all I got, and hope the land goes easy on me!

I have my dad for moral support on event day, he will be running alongside me.  I said that he can just go on ahead and run his race, but he said he’d like to hang around.  I am probably going to need it ha!

I also Wogged (Walk/Jog) this morning with my run group and surprisingly my feet are feeling good, no pain what so ever, both pairs of shoes are winners so far!

I really love that moment where you feel like you have come so far in your run, realising that months before you could not complete such feats yet here you are brushing it off like it is just another day at the office.  The first time I ran out at the TECT I was sore for days after… today – nothing. YUSS!!

So what did you get up to today? and how did you Pimp the Beast?

See ya tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel 😉

Jay 🙂

Pimping the Beast – 18.10.2013 Pimping the Distance!

I did it!

I registered for the 15k distance in the Tauranga Trail Run today.

I went into Smiths Sports Shoes today to get a second opinion on some shoes I bought a wee bit ago, I think they are some of the reason for why my foot is acting up.  I had a good perve on all of their shoes before registering for the event.  I was going to be a wuss and do the 10k because I knew the route well and I knew I could do quite well at it.

I have once before completed about 11k of the 15k route and I enjoyed it, but there are huge differences in difficulty, I will have to man up about it!

I am 6 weeks out from this event, so I plan to get in at least 3-4 runs on parts of the 15k route.  This option of the event runs over the Buffalo Girl Trail, I really enjoy it, but like I said it is tougher.

I have no idea what time I would be able to do this in, I guess this would be my benchmark.

I am doing this event with my Dad, he just bought some neat trail shoes yesterday, this would be our very first run together and he will be bringing his new kicks to the party!

So today I pimped out that 10k and turned it into 15…

How did you Pimp the Beast today?

Jay 🙂

Adventure, my middle name!

Forearms, triceps, quads and feet all hurt today!

A 6.43km trail run followed by a whole bunch of Adrenalin Forest!

Adrenaline Forest | On a Jam Hunt
What is Adrenalin Forest you ask?

Let me show you…

30.06.2013 136 P1080631 P1080653 P1080648 P1080647 P1080642 P1080665 P1080626 P1080625 P1080627 P1080662

6 Pathways – 1 being easy, 6 being Adrenalin Max!!!  I only made it to Pathway 4 in the 3 hours that you are allowed.  Heights of Pathways range from 3 meters high to 18 meters high with with up to 17 challenges per Pathway!
The park is situated right in the middle of the TECT All Terrain Park – The Bay’s Biggest Adventure All Terrain Playground!.

I probably couldn’t have completed any more than I had unless I had a break in between for food.  I really did run out of energy to carry on.  Amy was always 1 or 2 activities in front of me, Jared boosted off to complete all 6 pathways, he was pretty darn Beast!!

These pics don’t do it justice.  The height and the difficulty of each of the activities combined with your mind trying to talk you out of going any higher, made for a very eventful day.
Except when I decide to freak myself out by stalling at the 3rd to last activity in the 4th pathway.  At first I had just run out of energy to carry myself across another couply of meters of intense exertion, but then as I continued to just stand there and look at how high up I was and how unforgiving the next activity was namely “Tarzan swing”, I almost neared asking for a rescue…kind of but not really but kind of… ha!

Tarzan | On a Jam Hunt

This is me finally taking the plunge and swinging after a good 10 minutes of having everyone in the park yell at me to do it!  Even a guy driving along the side of the park stopped to add his two cents worth!  Great motivation guys!

Oh and just a quick selfie of Amy lol she was the Photographer for today! 🙂

Amy | On a Jam Hunt

We had such a great day and plan to go back with a bigger group at an earlier time, with more nutrition if we want to add in another 6k/50min trail run as well!

Just reminded me of why I get out there in the rain, in the shine, getting my run on!

We get back in the game, we continue to make a Beast of ourselves!

Become Beast!

Jay 🙂

The run that was Buffalo Girl!

Buffalo Girl was a wee bit of a toughy!  Compared to every route I have run to date, this one was my most challenging especially at the pace that my Trail date ran at! haha This was what he likes to call a Wog (walk/jog).  I prefer to run a whole bunch slower, but after about the third km, I was feeling ok with it.  It was a good challenge for me, and I am not often challenged as I usually run alone or with Amy who is happy to run at my snail pace ha!  Now that I look back, the quicker pace was exactly what I needed!

Buffalo wasn’t as pretty as the usual Te Rerenga trail that I run up at the TECT Park.  It resembled more of a 4WD track, usually used for MTB.  I enjoyed it just the same though, and immediately felt like I must take Amy out there one day.
It runs through a few streams and plenty of big dips!  Looping back on itself it measured out to be roughly 5.41mi/8.71km.

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Stats from Glenn’s Garmin.

Quads are a little bit burny, and I remember Glenn subtly saying, “use those glutes” for the uphills
Calves were achey during the first 2km’s  with the semi-steep inclines, but we soon bet them into submission, I will make sure to bust a bit of rolling on those so I may function tomorrow.

This one is probably not one I would do alone on days were there is not much light seeing as it is right at the back of the TECT park.  I was expecting it to be wet today, but the Sun played ball meaning we had some good conditions.  The track would more than likely turn to mush if it were wet, there isn’t too much vegetation out there, not many trees or bush, it is yet to grow up seeing as the park is not quite yet a year old.

Hopefully I will get a chance to run out there again next week! And snap up my day!

Good Progress!
Beast Progress!

Jay 🙂

Flirting with a halfy

Chiro:  So now you have had your first event, what are your plans now?

Me:  A 10km event, then train for a halfy.

Chiro:  How far are you running now?

Me:  About 10km give or take.

Chiro:  You could run a half marathon tomorrow you know, you would feel like shit afterwards, but you could do it.

Apparently I am structurally sound and my body knows what to do.  This comforts me, and excites me!  It is the most encouraging news I have heard in a while!  It got me thinking!

Yesterday I went to my 6 weekly Chiropractor appointment.  I have been going since not long after the twins were born.
Before carrying the twins I had never had problems with my hips, back or legs, after poppin them out, I had all three!
Today after some good weight loss, sensible running and eating less crap, I have none of those.  Woot!

And it is true, after this 10km event in June, I want to begin my training for a half marathon.
When I first started running, I never thought I would come this far, it was a means to an end, and that end was to reach pre-baby weight.  Now, after falling in love, there is no end, running is just my ‘thing’!  Weird I know, but cool all at the same time!

So far I am keeping to my training to prepare for my 10k event.  3 runs a week.  I can already run 10km, but not very fast, and not without walking for a some of it.  It has only just recently been that I could run 5km and not stop to walk, I am getting itchy feet and want to catch that 10km.
My first ever 10km run I did, I kept pausing my Nike app for the times that I stopped to stretch out or get water from a fountain, I did that run in 1hr16mins.  My last 10km including stops and walking some of the distance I did in 1hr32mins, I didnt pause it once, so that I could get an accurate account of my progress.  I believe I am not far from running the entire distance, or at least running almost all of it.  This to me is so cool!

Now I am not one to be all touchy feely emotional like, but the other day during my 10km estuary run I felt a strange kind of elation.  I am also not a religious person, but it felt very spiritual.  I don’t know if it was just runners high, or lack of air haha but it sure felt good and it definitely felt right!
This running thing just gets better and better!

I am about to go for a 12km trail run today, I will probably post about it tonight, 12km is a bit nuts for me, but I have been wanting to check out a few more of the trails out at the TECT Park.  This one is called Buffalo Girl Trail.  It is about a 10-15min jog from the main entrance of the TECT and is actually classed as a MTB track.  A company called Beyond Adventure Racing  have a few challenges on it for all levels of fitness.

Buffalo Girl Trail
Bad pic of the map, but you get the jist!

OH and I have chucked into this post a video from the Run for your Freakn Life, for your entertainment 🙂

I’ll let you know how my run goes today,

Hope you are doing something Amaze balls today!

Jay 🙂