
Back on the Jam Hunt…

I just read my last post to this blog dated January 2016!!!! 2016!!!!

Like why so long ago since last posting though?

Basically because I lost my focus and prioritised other things in my life – work…. and more work.
Health and Fitness took a back seat, as did my creativity and passion for stuff and things.  Which is kind of really stink as it turned me into a stressy, grumpy, sick, tired, anxious, and robotic human being.


Anywho, about 9 months ago (Oct 2017) I sent myself to the doctor, I had been feeling a familiar pain in my lower leg around my calf.  I was pretty sure I had got myself another Blood Clot and was trying to be super hopeful about it just being superficial (Blood clot in the vein/s just below the skin – not super serious!).
I didn’t get to see my usual doctor as it was a short notice appointment so I had to divulge my entire experience with blood clots to new Doc just to catch him up to present day:

2008 – DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) in my right leg originally started in my calf and as was misdiagnosed as muscle pain, kindly made its way up into my groin area, which is a little bit panic stations.  I was promptly sent to hospital for two weeks and was not allowed out of bed being told to restrict movement until the anti-coagulants had kicked in well and good.  Funny Story (not so funny) – I was put in a shared room with 3 other (much older – like 60+year old) ladies all of which were allowed to get themselves up out of bed to shower, pee, do number twos and stuff, but not me, I had to pee and poop in a pan and have sponge baths *unsettling shivers down spine*.  Albeit, it meant that I am still alive to tell the tale today!
On Anticoagulants for 6 months and then moved on with life as usual.

2012 – Fast forward a few years, got a similar pain in same leg, thank the lord Jesus that the ultrasound revealed a superficial clot, again in the right calf.

2017 – Rocked up to the doc, plead my case – ultrasound revealed 3, that’s right THREE Superficial clots and One big fat DVT in a deep vein behind my knee.  The lady doing my ultrasound even snuck in a quiet remark saying that I was too young to be having recurrent issues like this and that usually she is used to scanning the older folk for clots. *insert WHYYYYY MEEEE face*.

I have just recently had some results back as part of Clot screening tests – I have been diagnosed with a Protein C Deficiency  As a result I am now on life long anticoagulant medication – which in the scheme of things isn’t that bad, just comes with some pretty rats risks which are also manageable.  Luckily I am a manageable kind of guy!

After much deliberation and some pretty poor timing from my health issues, I finished up work about a month ago to focus on healing myself, but also to take some time to work on who I am and what I want out of this life – near death experiences tend to do that to you.  I also figured long term (life long) use of chemicals in your body (anticoagulant – Warfarin) would bring about it’s own risks and perhaps in certain circumstances may shorten the length of my life.
These are some big things to deal with at 34 years of age and I have to keep telling myself that it could always be worse.
Just very sobering and kind of gives you that ‘Come to Jesus’ feeling.

There is much more to the story but lets not get too dreary.  The purpose of this post and of this blog is to force me to live my best life by reviewing some of the good things, work toward being more than I am and applying a holistic approach to nailing life!


So let’s get back to where we left off,
You keen?

Jay 🙂

Will it fit!?!? Pimping the Beast!


Let’s just forget what I said about ‘Weightloss’ last night, I need to stop being ‘comfy’!


Remember last time I was training for Ekiden? How I set a goal for myself to get into a Size 12 shirt?

Well shit, I did it again!

Except this time, I am committing to getting into a size 10 shirt!

I have maintained a size 12 since then…

Ekiden Shirt | On a Jam Hunt Blog


But I haven’t been a size 10 since well before I met my husband… like 5 or so years ago!

So its time to get serious about things, time to shred some body fat!

I don’t overly want to look like an idiot squirming into my shirt the next time I take one of these pics!  Piling on the PRESSURE!

But it is the kind of pressure I need, I have to stop being so comfortable and get aggressive!

So I have had Becks – the lovely lady that is coordinating our teams, to order me a size 10.  LOCKED IN!

Right, I better go work out!

And run a little,

Or a lot,

Run Some!

Jay 🙂


Was I Born to Run?

“Know why people run marathons? …  Because running is rooted in our collective imagination, and our imagination is rooted in running.  Language, art, science, space shuttles, Starry Night, intravascular surgery; they all had their roots in our ability to run.  Running was the superpower that made us human – which means its a superpower all humans Possess.”   -Louis Liebenberg

{Quote from Christopher McDougall’s Born to Run}

In the last couple of months I have pondered thoughts that border this exact idea.  Was I born to Run?

I have come across experiences – opinions, personal feelings, passing comments about running from a smyllion and one different people, For and Against the act of ‘Running’

Those that have given me the most food for thought – opinions from professionals.
All differing but all guiding me to the thought of ‘should I just give up?’

In the last year and a half I have grown to love this act of running.  It has not only grown on me, but become me.
I may not particularly be any good at it, but the way it makes me feel is truly indescribable, though I try my best to portray it.

But also in this same 1.5years I have had injury after injury and have grasped at methods, theories, others advice and experiences to get me on the right track to running ‘injury-free’.

After all this time, I still haven’t found my pain-free groove, but my heart still pines so passionately for it!

After rehabbing my injury developed from my running my first 21.1, I had asked a few different professionals what my next move to my tiring quest should be.
Each gave their professional (and perhaps not so professional) opinions and sent me on my way to further ponder what I should do with it all.
I had actually mentioned to my Chiro if I should just ‘Chuck it in’, even though I ‘love it so much’, am I ‘just ‘not cut out?’

In all this deliberation, mixed messages and efforts to find a deeper understanding, I had already on it’s way, paid and pending delivery, the book – ‘Born to run, A Hidden Tribe, Super athletes and the Greatest Race the world has never seen’  written by Christohpher McDougall.

About the Book –
Full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science, and, most of all, pure inspiration, Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question: Why does my foot hurt? In search of an answer, Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong.

I have literally just finished reading it for a second time and all I can say is it couldn’t have come at a better time.

I wouldn’t say it was a sign more than it was just a timely coincidence, but so many things in this book rang true of how I feel about running.
Things I had already discovered but had not taken too much notice of.

Though my own experiences are far from any adventure mapped out in this book, many things resonated in my own journey of thought and feeling whilst pounding.

I have dreams of ultra running, I live vicariously through race recaps and reports, I am almost ‘involved’ in others descriptions of what grueling hell they had just put themselves through over the last 50km plus, what their eyes have seen, what their feet have felt, how their body’s have paid.

I tell myself everyday (I actually do), that one day I am going to get to that 100!  There has to be a way around every freeking injury I have had, hundreds of people run every god damn day, why the hell am I getting it so wrong!

Is it time to take my shoes off…

…and then run!?!?!

I think so!

Minimilist? Barefoot?

I am about to embark on a new journey!

The same, but different!

Like always, I am writing all about it!


Jay 🙂

“Just move your legs.  Because if you don’t think you were born to run, you’re not only denying history.  You’re denying who you are” – Prof Dennis Bramble

{Quote from Christopher McDougall’s Born to Run}

Team David Virtual 5k

Today I ran for something outside of myself.

In my little corner of the world, I headed out with the Twinlets in tow.  For this guy…

Meet David…

At age 13 David was diagnosed “borderline schizophrenic”, at that time minors couldn’t be labeled “schizophrenic”. Once he turned 18 that diagnosis was changed to “schizophrenia”. He has carried this “label” every since. Needless to say, he turned to food for comfort. His over-indulgence led to addiction which ultimately led to obesity.
With the mind of an 8 year old child, his ability to make what one might consider “rational” decisions is quite limited. Now don’t get me wrong, he has a brilliant mind, as most people with this type of disorder. However, as a 6 year old child needs direction, so does David at the age of 33 and always will.
When David takes his medication like he is directed, unless you know his story, you would never know he had such a diagnosis. He loves to study and tell others of God’s word. He has a very creative mind and like all of us, he yearns to just be accepted.
He has spent the majority of his life with a label and because of that, at times he feels of less value than someone who may seem to “have it all together”. David loves like his Creator, unconditionally. He could actually teach the “average” person a thing or two.


Today David and his mum participated in a 5k event.

Weeks ago, they had made a virtual 5k event via Facebook in support of David.  I immediately jumped at it, I love virtual challenges.  Somehow they always mean more than the ones you pay money for to do for yourself.  There is more of a community feel.

Now at first, this morning, I didn’t want to get out of bed.  In all honesty it felt like Winter had come early and all I wanted to do was curl up with a roaring fire in front of the T.V. with the children.

I looked at the forecast for today and it said that it was supposed to rain later in the day.  If I didn’t get out and do it now then I would have to miss out on the run all together.  Mr Jam_hunt is still not home from work yet and so It would be too cold later to go out running with the kids.

I peeled away my Jim Jams, and suited up in some compression longs, having them on instantly made me feel better about going out into the cool world.

I rugged up the kiddies, in ugh boots and woolly hats and we were off.

It seemed the world was a different temperature outside, it was actually warmer outside than it was inside!

Crossing the road and warming up through the park, I knew I had to start my Garmin early in order to get in a full 5k on my usual route.

Off we went, down the access way through some trail and on to the Estuary Walkway.

I stopped quite a few times for snack breaks, water breaks and photo opportunities.

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This would be one of the very few times that I had left to run in warmer weather before Winter hit.

The kiddies loved the cows and were fighting at their stroller straps to get free and frolic in the over grown grass just across the way.

We passed quite a few runners, walkers and dog-walkers.  Other mums with strollers, Fit men and women, the causal elderly couple and (what looked like) a ten year old little girl running, donning a Weetbix Triathlon t-shirt, AWESOME!

It seemed everyone else had the same idea.

We got up the mammoth Coach Drive/Grange Road hill and proceeded along the main road toward our home.  Stopping first at the park for a bit of a run around and some slide action.

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I had to run a few hundred meters more down the road to get in the full 5k, but we got there in the end and wrapped up what was a very enjoyable run.

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Thanks David for being the reason I got out and about today!

There are always going to be excuses and reasons for why we choose not to do the right thing for our body’s and mind.  They are always going to be things that make up the parts of your Journey.

Not one soul is made up of 100% Will Power, just as quickly as it comes, it goes again.  It is only in ourselves that we find the courage to go out there and get it done again.  It always helps when you have some one to inspire you, or something to aspire to.

Life is made up of a whole bunch of small successes, as long as you are always on your way toward where you want to be, then you have not failed.


Next run wont come till Thursday.  Mr Jam_hunt will be home then, and I am super excited about this!

Did you go out for a Sunday morning run today?

Did something inspire you to get movin’?

As always,

Still Running,

Jay 🙂

P.S.  Go over to David’s FB page Team David, give it a ‘Like’ and comment on how Choice he is!
P.P.S. I have not been completing my 30 Day Challenges, but I have some awesome news to share anyway on the 30th of the Month.  Excitement stations!!

…wouldn’t mind if I lost my mind out there…

09.04.2013 029


I went for my Sunday long run today…on a Saturday.

Don’t you hate it when you wake before your alarm.

I woke up around 5:30am, rolled around in bed but knew that my alarm was going to go off in 15 minutes.

I just got up, ate a bit, chugged a bit of water and headed out in the weary misty world.

The street lights were still on when I set out.  When I took the pic above, just seconds later they went out.

The forecast that I checked last night said that there was meant to be 2.5mm of rain at 6am, but I don’t think I experienced one shower thank goodness.

After quick walking the hill in the pic, I picked up into a jog.  the first k was downhill, which is always nice for a warm-up.

09.04.2013 030

After the down hill I was met with a small uphill and at the top took this pic.  My iPhone cam is pretty crap, but I tried to get a shot of how clear the estuary water was.  The same estuary I usually run along.

A nice little bit of flat, still at a nice slow and steady pace… I wasn’t planning to clock a PB or anything, I just wanted to be out there.  Mindless and mindful.

A short downhill, at the bottom I meet Memorial park…

09.04.2013 031


Not as grand a picture as the last time I ran down here.  The storm has brought thick cloud and a sticky humidity.

I didn’t care what the morning had in store for me, I had someone watching my kids, I was set to relax for the next hour.

It is only a few k’s to this park, this is where I would turn around and make my way back.

I don’t usually take pic’s while out on a run, but I have stopped running for time.

I just run to be.

My run home would take a short detour to a bathroom.  Yes, the up and downward constant movement meant that gravity was taking its toll.  I stopped into the local Macca’s, grabbed a cup of water courtesy of a friend who worked there, used the facilities, and was back on my way.

My run home would take a differing route to the one I came on.  I would turn off on to the Estuary walkway.

I continued this way around till the closest exit to my house.

I managed to fit that casual 7.5k in 50 minutes.

I wished that I had more time, maybe if I had left a half hour earlier I could have spent more time out there.

I felt like I had another half hour to 45 left in me, but I had to get back to the kids.

My next long run wont be for some time.  Most probably not until the Hubby gets home in 2 weeks.


But we do what we can.

Are you planning on a long run this Easter?

When was the last time you ran just to enjoy just getting out there pounding and being?

Try it sometime,

You will be surprised at how awesome it is.

Jay 🙂

My Sunday Church Service

The last time I actually went to a church service was probably in my late teens.

I am now 30!

I didn’t go to Church yesterday.

I ran long yesterday.

I would personally say it was as beneficial as any Church service.

Running long now means anything over 45 minutes.  My Half Marathon fitness is long gone, so I just do what I can manage.

An hour long was as much as I could manage.

I ran 8.2k Easy.

I have missed being able to just set out and watch the world wake up.  To be able to just head out the door and run half your town before breakfast.  To watch the sun peek out from hills and splay its awesomeness over land and water.
To breathe in air so fresh and cool.  To take which ever path you feel like.  To run the roads as if all pathways were merged into one and road rules do not apply.  To look up and see friendly faces raise a hand for a ‘you and I are so damn awesome’ wave/hi-5.

To be out in the world and not give a care to what you are wearing, where you have to be today, have I paid that bill on time?, the pile of washing that has been stacked ever so carefully as to not topple over, do I have enough gas in the car to get me from A to B?, how am I ever going to finish that assignment on time?, the Awkward dinner you have to attend with the boss and his wife, the never ending ‘to-do’ list!

The run can take you as far as you like both with thought and distance.  This hour that you spend, is entirely up to you.  However fast or steady, whether you sprint or wog.  No matter what you have weighing on your shoulders, this run right now is so far away from any of that that it feels like the only kind of freedom that is readily attainable at any given time.  The thing is you just have to find the time, or make the time.

I was so lucky to have woken up early enough (Daylight Savings End = extra hour) to be able to cruise through the streets and arrive at my Nirvana.

Memorial Park 06.04.2014


What ever happened before this run didn’t matter.  What ever happens after this run will not matter.  This blissful hour is exactly that, no need to over think it!

All this, plus my perfect Sunday Morning Easy Running Long Playlist makes for the best Sunday Morning ‘Un-Lie in’.

As for my 30 Day Challenge…

Today is the 7th day, and I am feeling it in full effect.  My legs are stronger, but gosh am I fatigued.  I have had to shorten my sets and break the reps up over the course of my day.  Running, The Shred and 30 Day Challenges require a bit of a balancing act to not cause injury.

This week – does not hold much in the way of distance, I’ll be flying solo with the twinlets again for a bit but that is ok, I am sure they are looking forward to some faster paced walk/runs in the stroller.

Still no events on the horizon until the second half of the year, super looking forward to those!

How did you spend your Sunday morning?

Any long runs/bikes/swims for you?

Did you take part in an “Un-Lie in” with me?

See you in a bit,

Jay 🙂



Race Report: AMI Wellington Round the Bays 2014

The 'Eff' Word

That is me finishing!  As you can tell, I was saying the ‘F’ Word, HA!

Sunday was amazing!

There was not one single moment of the event that I did not enjoy.  I embraced and lived every minute of it.

You could safely say that I am addicted to long distance running!

No nerves, just excitement all the way leading up.  The only thoughts I had running through my mind were ones of anticipation – of seeing how I would do on the day.

So let’s rewind back to the start so I can tell ya all about it!

We check in to our hotel room, 500 metres from the start line, at 2pm Saturday afternoon.  There was still plenty of day left so I got my race day gear ready before any more excitement was to be had.
This would serve as a semi holiday for me as Hubby and I were childfree for the weekend.  This really helped me get into ‘Race day’ zone.  It also helped to relax me for what I was about to do.  I know if I had to travel a 6 hour car trip with my children then organise them for the day during my run, I would constantly be worrying about my next step as a mum, and not so much the next step as a runner.

Race kit was good to go.  It was time for a few beverages a little bit of wandering around the Wellington CBD and then a spot of dinner before a bit of a chin wag with the Family.

I posted pre-race dinner pics on the last post.  I don’t know how dad does it.  Beersies before race day, not a good look on me, unless I want to deal with the dry’s for 21.1!

Bed time came around 10ish.  I made a point not to go to be too early, I knew I would just roll around in bed forever and not get any sleep at all.

Typically, I woke up before the alarm went off so I jumped on FB for a bit before getting out of bed.

A shower before bed the night before meant that all I had to do was change and organise my nutrition for the day.

For my nutrition – 1pkt Sports beans (only ate about a quarter of the bag), Honey Stingers x2 and 1ltr of Strawberry Lemonade Nunn

My decision for the nutrition I chose was based on the last 3 long runs on the 3 previous Sundays.  For the first one I ran sports beans only.  The second (being my longest) just a waffle.  The last, Beans and waffle,  the combo worked well and I had little to no fatigue.

I wore my UltraAspire Hydration pack as I have never been too keen on Powerade.  The Nuun seemed to work well on all my training runs, plus later in the race I would be glad that I took an extra litre of fluid with me.

I would like to run with less, but I am currently not fit enough or fast enough to cut it down.  I played it safe and took more than what I probably needed.

It was 7.30am when we left the hotel.  The few hundred metres to the start chute was filling in with drips and drabs of participants for the Half and the 10km events.

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It was about 7.50am when we started piling into the chute and a long drawn out 15 minutes to the Start Gun as the Start Time was pushed out another 5 mins to clear the last little bit of traffic.

At this time I didn’t have much going through my head.  I was mostly thinking about how quickly/slowly the crowd would move over the Start Line, and how many seconds/minutes it would actually take for me to get there.  Still no nerves at this stage, I just wanted to get started with the plan.


It was start time, it took me around a whole minute to get to the Start Mat.  As I walked over it the air just filled with that familiar sound.  Garmin’s and other GPS devices alerting their timers to be started.  Hearing that flood of ‘beeps’ made me laugh a little inside, at the same time I felt like I was right where I needed to be.  I was at home in the race, and it had only just begun!

The first 500 metres was where most effort had to be paid to finding a clear line and being able to run it.  I hadn’t really warmed up, so this first k would serve as my warm-up.  It was about 30 secs faster than my usual pace and about a whole minute faster than my warm-up pace.  Getting out of the way/finding a clear line was proving harder than I thought to not make that rookie mistake.

For the next 8k my rookie mistake would remind me in every step that I should have warmed-up properly!  “Shin splints”!

But I knew they wouldn’t last, I just had to get warm and tidy up my form.  Too bad it took me 8k to do so ha!

The first 6k – Oriental Parade and Evans Bay were really lovely, this is where there were still some residential houses and apartment buildings nestled in close to the bays bordering banks.  Then came a few commercial business block’s before the finish line for the 6.5’ers.

Our direction pulled us left toward Shelley Bay.  Before reaching Shelley Bay we would pass the Wellington Airport, of which bought back childhood memories of seeing huge planes flying so close overhead.

I was so happy with the Weather Gods at this stage.  We had had a strong wind pushing from behind on the way down the initial 6.5k, then there was not much until we got closer to Shelley Bay.  Sun was out, but it was cool.  The Bays hills provided some grateful shade and we didn’t need to worry about any harsh sun until we came back from turn around point.

We past halfway point, unfortunately no 10k PR’s for me to be had on this day.

My official Halfway time – 1:12:55.

In my head I made sure to remind myself that anything past this mark was deemed to be the “ass-end” of it all.

I felt good, I was in my zone, and transcendence in a place like that was so damn easy I forgot most of the time that I was actually ‘racing’.

Actually, I would have my mind out of my body for most of the Run.  So far everything was going according to plan.  In fact I had run a little faster than I wanted, so I knew that there was no chance of negative splits today. The second half of the race would almost certainly be longer than the first.

At roughly the 14k point was the turn around.  A Marshall about 2 bays back said the turnaround was just around ‘that’ corner…
…3 corners later!!

We headed back and crossed the Half Way Mat again.  We were definitely on the ‘ass-end’.

At the 17k point I was starting to feel a little tired.  It was the first sign of fatigue, and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before the fuel that I had been eating up until now was not going to make much difference to the pain that I was inevitably going to feel.

AMI Round the Bays 2014

I actually felt like I ate the whole entire time.  Every 20 mins I ate a third of a Waffle, they gave us jet planes at about 3.5k mark, I ate 2 of those, and then by the 18k mark I started digging into the Sport Beans.  I was just looking for any kind of sugar high at that point, anything to stop my mind thinking about the increasing aches in my hip flexor area, and in my knees.

At around 19k I would start to feel it in my quads.  From here I could see the end.  It was a bit of a tease and I couldn’t decide at the time whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that we could see it so clearly from 3k away!

Dad had been so cheerful and enthusiastic the whole way.  He was still cheerful at this point, it was kinda getting to me haha!  In fact Dad had been running the whole time every now and then pitching in his idea of what he was having for dinner that night…
…I was just worried about getting out of the Race alive!

Shelley Bay

21.1k clicked over on my Garmin and I still couldn’t see the Finish Line signs.  I had a wee bit of a ‘wtf’ moment wondering what was going on, or whether the GPS I had was not correct, or even that I had run the whole entire outside of the course.

It confused the shit out of me, and as your mind and body relax because of the 21.1 click over, everything after that starts to piss you off.

We turned into the last little stretch before the Finish Chute.  To top off the frustration about the extra 600 metres in the run, I had paced myself exactly where the bulk of the 6.5k walkers would reach the finish as well.  I felt like I ran extra just to take the far side of each corner and straight to dodge all the walkers sprawled out with strollers and children.


I knew that this was their day too, so I didn’t get mad about it, I just did my best to weave it through, there were little places where I could keep my speed up and I am pretty sure that at one point I came to a complete stop.  Not what I had imagined/dreamed up for my first Half Marathon Finish.

I came in with 2:32:58 on My Garmin.  The exact same time recorded for me using Time Chip.

I was really happy with what I had done.  I had left everything I had out on that 21.7k and I was elated to a point that took a good half hour to come down from.

Unfortunately for Jared it didn’t show physically or audibly.  I felt so close to death that I needed to be with myself for about 10 minutes or so as to not bite any ones head off.  I was in pain and I felt the blood rapidly pooling to my legs, I just couldn’t talk and I couldn’t stop walking.

I didn’t know what to do with myself, I just wanted to sit down, but my legs were pooling in such a way that it hurt to be stationary.

Finally I gave up on the fight with myself and crashed out on the ground.  Jared handed me my chocolate milk, still semi-frozen and I lay there chugging for dear life.

It was over, I was done, and there was no more distance to run.

I finished!


No spot prizes or placing prizes for me, but to run my first Half Marathon in a place like this was more than I could hope for.  My dad, had kept my pace the whole entire way.  He had enjoyed the slower pace, as it meant that he could appreciate the surroundings more than if he were to Race.

Thanks Dad, for your run-along support.  The first of many I am sure!

Huge Thanks to Jared too, for without him my legs may not have recovered as quickly.  The tents for massage were full so he rubbed my legs down while I quietly died in a puddle of my own exhaustion.


The rest of the day was spent with Wellington friends and too much Beer, A feast of a dinner and an early night’s sleep!

I look back now and think that there was nothing I could have done differently, nothing I would have done differently and that every single little step was according to a plan I had been dreaming up 4 months ago!  Everything was as it should have been and I enjoyed every single second of it, even the ones where I just wanted it to be done.

Medal time!

Love my Barefoot Inc Socks!


There is no limit to what can be achieved.  If you want it bad enough, if you make a plan to win, there is no reason why you won’t get there.
Ever hear that guy/girl tell you that you too could run a Half Marathon – believe them, they are right!

Wellington, you were great!

Still Running,

Jay 🙂

P.S. The actual distance of the Lenco Half Marathon Event was 21.7k.  There was an accidental extra 600 metres chucked in there.  The provided calculator from AMI to figure out my actual 21.1k time…


Sub 2:30 BABY!!!  Woop Woop!

Run long and Taper…

I did it!

I made it to my Taper!

I ran my longest distance ever ever this morning!

How do I feel you may ask?

F*&%ing AWESOME!

This morning, I got my ass out of bed at a hideously early time of the morning to run for 2 hours straight.

And that I did!

I ran 2 hours and 2 minutes a distance of 17k.

In that run I achieved a PR for my 5k at 33mins, and a PR for my 10k at 1hr 8mins.

09.02.2014 101

09.02.2014 102

I was glad to have covered a full 17k today, that leaves 4k of surprise time and effort.

As stupid as I felt, on completing my 17th k I smiled a ridiculously big smile all by myself in my little empty corner of the world.

Last weekend I ran for 1.5hours, and ended up with an almost strained hammy and glute.  This week I feel nothing but tired legs, no ouchy pain and overly tight muscles.

Ice Bath... The Ice never lasts long enough!! And now we feast!

Ice Bath… The Ice never lasts long enough!!
And now we feast!

The first half of the run seemed to fly by, like it was nothing.  A podcast on Chi running probably helped with keeping form in check, and then the next few k started to alert me to some muscle fatigue.  The last 2k was unreal.  My body couldn’t really make up its mind – every now and then I would get inklings of struggle, but then it would come right seconds later.  Mind transcendance really was a challenge at this point of the game.  My mind wanted to be present in my body, but I was doing my best to make it bugger off somewhere else.

And unlike last week where I felt terrible for the majority, the change in scenery and route meant that I watched the sunrise from 3 different angles as I effectively ran around almost half of my town.

My 2hr Run map, or what is left of it!

My 2hr Run map, or what is left of it!

I watched the world wake up this morning, and though I like to be selfish with my Ghost town Sunday mornings, I enjoyed seeing everything come to life as each kilometer crept up on me.  It really was something.

This brought week 12 to a close and I officially start my 2 weeks of Taper.

I missed 2 days of running this week, and I am glad I did.  Healing had been this weeks main focus.  Healing to get me to Sunday.  Smash out Sunday and then relax.  My plan worked and I am grateful that my ego didn’t get the better of me!

The next two weeks, as Taper suggests, are Recovery weeks.  I have a few short runs on Course Terrain and one last 1.5hour run next Sunday.

I feel ready, ready for that last 4k.  That is when everything is going to matter, that is when the true challenge of this thing is going to require everything I have.

I am excited, not so much nervous, more curious.  I have been grateful enough to not have race day nerves, I will be grateful again if I stick to my Race plan and not be all rookie and go out too fast too early.

So as I bring this post to a close, I want to mention the podcast that has seen me through every ‘long run’ I have had throughout the last 2-3months.  Running Long with Steve has been a lot of what has gotten me this far.  So in the words of the creator of Phedippidations

Run Long and Taper,

Jay 🙂

P.S. I turn 30 today – achieving 2 PR’s and a PB has been the best gift!  RUN! Just Run!

Check out that FROSTING!!!

Check out that FROSTING!!!

Another Anniversary – something Awesome to run for!

WordPress Anniversary

Today is my WordPress Anniversary.

I have officially committed to writing here for One Whole Year!

I must write something because of this…

Now I don’t claim to be a great writer, in fact I am usually all over the place with my posts most times.  But I love to write and share my experiences, I also love to read and follow others to.

There is something to be said about finding a like in someone else and seeing how they experience what they do in their own ways.  “Same’s” excite me!  It means that I don’t have to do this thing alone, as I do with a lot of other stuff in my life.

Writing has actually added to my Health and Fitness, in a way that actually makes it exciting.  I am also held accountable, not to others, but more to myself.
I have changed my main view point of my blog from losing weight to Distance Running.  And I am well on my way to being able to one day compete in an Ultra.

I think its a great tool if you can commit and write in a way that others will find easy to digest and be entertained.

I don’t know if I do any of those things, but I keep on keeping on anyway.

Thank you to everyone who has followed me to date, My journey is a lot more Awesome with you tagging along.

Life can often become stale and mundane if you let it, having a blog forces you to go out and find something great to write about, in turn adding valuable experience!

Life can only be done once and we need to get this through our fat heads every single day! (or skinny heads, if you have one of those)

So I encourage those who follow me and who I follow, to keep writing and reading!  Be honest and be passionate.


Go Run some,

It is good for you!

Jay 🙂

10k PR Selfie

P.S.  I don’t Selfie very much, I am not up to the play with all the cool kids on how to get an awesome ‘Self-pic’.  This is the best I could come up with, and actually means more because I had just come out of the pouring rain, back from my 10k PR, BOOM!  Duck Face that!!!

What is in-store for you?

I am not big on New Years resolutions.

As far as I am concerned, positive changes can be made on any day at any time.

It doesn’t have to be a Monday, It doesn’t have to be a new month, it doesn’t have to be on the first of the year.

Any day is a good day for making a better more awesome you!

But if you are the kind that takes the New Year as ‘creating a new you’ then tomorrow is a good place to start!

I am the master at self-reinvention, I have done it many times before in my life.  It is funny because many years ago you would probably not even recognize me.

So if today is the day that you vow to yourself to discontinue a bad behavior and perhaps adopt a new more positive one, then I wish you much luck.  But then again, we all know that changing yourself does not require luck, just hard work.

Not to mention that resolutions put a lot of pressure on you and may actually have great success for the first month, then tend to taper off after the first quarter.

But do not let me dull your enthusiasm, sometimes that ‘Hiss and a Roar’ is all you need to get you started.  Perhaps this may actually be the year you get it right…

…what ever the New Year means for you I hope that it brings more love and more laughter, and most importantly – more epic stuff, more food for your soul!  You only get to do 2014 once, let make it a choice one!

I wish you many enjoyable miles in the coming year!

Do more of the Impossible,

Explore your creativity,

Fear less,

Be nice to people,


Jay 🙂