Month: January 2016


Back again,

Beasting again!

I have just come out of a 5 day Stomach Flu… the 4th one in 2 months to be frank!


And while it helps drop a few kilos, it actually doesn’t help in any other way at all!

I am just sick of it, the slow creep in of grams sticking to my sides, the late afternoon slump, the SUGAR cravings!  Just sick of it!

I’ve gone back to Paleo! What is Paleo? Nomnompaleo – Paleo101

I spent a good 9 months leading a solid Paleo life, and my god! Why on earth did I stop!

I was feeling awesome, I was running awesome, I was generally awesome!

Now I am not so awesome!

But I went to get back to Awesome!

Today is my second day back at it.

I made Bone Broth for the first time ever – The Health Benefits of Bone Broth


and Sauerkraut!  StupidEasyPaleo – Sauerkraut


I am meal prepped to heck to make sure I don’t stray due to starvation and Hangry’ness!

Me and Paleo –

Hardest thing about Paleo –
Breakfast, or more so, the change in perception of Breakfast.  Breakfast now must become First Lunch/Dinner, this is if we are trying to reduce sugar at the same time!
The Planning – this is the part that you MUST take time to do, without it you are sure to fail!  By planning I mean you need to literally map out every week and every day – 3 meals and two snacks a day! MUST!
Sourcing Ingredients – If you are trying a new recipe, the last thing you want to see is an unfamiliar item in the ingredients list.  AND furthermore the hunt for those items can be a bit annoying!  Give it a few weeks, once you build up a sweet stash of essentials it wont be such an issue.


Easiest thing about Paleo – BACON



I also look forward to getting my first run in for 2016, I was hoping to get it in sooner, however not such a good look to be shitting yourself out on the pavement!

Happy Days,
Come Beast a little with me,
Jay 🙂