
A Loss! but still Rubbish! On Pimping the Beast!

I am still feeling like rubbish!  I am awake and I am able to be attentive for the entire day, But I am tired and am stuck in that funk right between ‘Feeling Tired’ and ‘Feeling Sick’.  I am both of those things, but not quite, if that makes any sense?

Today I jumped on the scales, even though it is not official weigh-in.  I am weighing every fortnight, and because I weighed last week, I need to wait again till next Monday.  I did not wait. Goh!

I have achieved a loss of 300 grams, which is awesome!  But I feel like shit!  I am officially into the 74th Kilogram, but because I feel horrible, I haven’t quite got excited about it!

I have a few theories…

I may have an Iron deficiency – I kinda doubt it because I have been eating spinach like no bodies business, but at the same time, I have lowered my red meat intake, instead I have been hitting up fish and chicken.It may or may not be this, but as a lady… who experiences ‘Lady Days’ this may well be the root cause.

I may not be eating enough – Today I went on to MFP to check my settings.  It was set to ‘Lightly Active’.  I hardly think that I am just ‘Lightly’ Active, I am doing something everyday for a lot of the day so I bumped it up to “Active” instead, this gives me an extra 100 cals a day, not that I feel I need it, I am satisfied as I am, but we will give it a whirl.  There are also activities that I don’t log that maybe I should?  Stuff like the windows I am stripping, that is pretty freeking physical, Mowing the lawns, Stationary biking for 5mins!?! Hardly Counts!, Some of the Weight training I do – in my mind it doesn’t feel like I have exherted enough energy for it to even count, walks that I take almost daily – again I don’t feel like I am exhert myself much at all.  Maybe I should be logging these, but then I have a fitbit, so it kinda does it for me anyway…

My macros may be off – I don’t get too much into this, because I just don’t have enough knowledge to know what is right.  But perhaps on my run days I am not eating enough Carbs.  I know I eat plenty, shit I eat a sandwich almost everyday, I freeking love sandwiches!  But I don’t know much about how much of what I should be eating.  I just try kick it low fat as much as poss, and almost every single day I am hitting the correct amount of Cals while feeling full and satisfied.

I can’t say it is not enough sleep, I sleep most nights 7-8 hours, which is more than the average person I am sure.

Dehydration?  Maybe.  It has been super hot lately, but I drink enough I think.  I am never thirsty.

Maybe I need to get laid?  Quite possibly!

And before you go any further with your thinking…I am not knocked up!

Who knows, but I have made a few changes to what I have been doing, although it has been working in a ‘weight’ sense, not so much in the energy sense.  I will see how it all goes.

Oh I ran today.  Which was good and shit at the same time.  I did what I needed to, I just didn’t enjoy it as much as usual.  Heavy legs, bad form, breathing was fine, but it was HOT!

Meh, tomorrow I go out to the TECT!  Carbing up tonight and in the morning for a Long hard run.  I hope to be feeling better before, during and after haha!  Experiencing some of natures medicine!

Ok so there wasn’t too much Pimping going on today, but how about you?  Ever hit that ‘in between’ funk?  What are your plans for the week?

See you tomorrow,

Jay 🙂

P.S.  I am pretty stoked about how muscly my legs are these days, I kind of feel a little badass about that! ha!

Pretending My way to ‘Awesome’

I started running in Nov of last year.  Before this time, I hated running!  Like URGH hated running!  Today I love it!
I bought a bike last week… I hate biking lol  But I will learn to love it.  I’ve been tricking my mind into thinking certain things almost all my life haha and in this case it is not such a bad thing.
This my friends is my new ride…
My Bike

Now I have no idea about biking.  Way back when I was a mini me, I can remember I did the biking leg of the Weetbix Kids Triathalon with 2 of my primary school friends, I kinda sucked at it back then, and 18/19 years later I can imagine that I will kinda suck at it now.  But I will get better!  So when purchasing this bike I had all intentions of getting right into Mountain Biking… here’s hoping it was worth the investment, I’m sure it will be!

My next ‘hate’ is swimming, I f***ing hate swimming!  And this one has got me stumped.  I don’t think I could learn to like swimming…maybe.  This is where ‘talking myself into something’ would come in handy, I’ll have to try get myself there one day I’m sure.  Fake it till you make it lol Well it is one thing I do so great…Pretending my way to awesome!

Today I had plans to run The Tauranga Estuary, and then I thought maybe the Mount, then Researched another reserve to run, got out there – no Cell reception, no GPS reception lol No Deal!  In times like that you need a dog!  I want a dog!
But anywho, back to where I was going with this post…
I can’t stop thinking about the next time I will run up at TECT, so I decided I’ll just go and run it lol

Just a quick 3.2km, so quick in fact that I shaved off 10mins from the last run up at TECT for my first Loop.  Wanna know how I kicked that 10minutes??  I didn’t stop the whole way!!  Felt amazing!  Wish I had time to do a second loop but had to get home to pick up my children.  Thursday is my next Date with the TECT, I am very excited!  And this time I have my TMGC with me.  (Tough Mudder Good C***)  Oh and BTW…my first kilometre was still really ugly, man I hope I get better at it, I have to push past the urge to want to stop and take a rest!  But once I get past it, I can pretty much carry on non-stop, I guess it is normal…is it normal? meh…

Ok formalities…Weigh-in URGH!
Weigh-in 18.03.2013 78kg
Weigh-in 25.03.2013 78.5kg

This is what happens when you don’t track lol Oh my life…back to MFP I go, it was good to have a break, so now I am in a better state of mind to continue my weightloss!

Plans for this week…
Today – TECT 3.2km
Wednesday – 5k Street run/walk, if time permits, got a busy day!
Thursday – TECT 7.5km
Friday – Mount Up, Down and Around, but maybe if Miss Amy comes with me, we can just do around twice, seeing how she feels about it lol
Saturday – REST
Sunday – 5k Street run/walk

Speaking of my friend Amy…
Do you remember how I mentioned her in >>this<< post, how she got her snaps in the newspaper??  Well Miss Famous in NZ Jarmin, is famous once again…
Was so crazy, she was just flipping through the paper, and noticed the pic they printed in that issue was hers!!  EXCITEMENT!
So here is what she had submitted to hopefully be picked to publish…

26.03.2013 014 26.03.2013 013
There is that name again!  Pretty darn choice if you ask me!

So we are starting to get a bit more serious about this training business, Zombie run is in 6 weeks!  Will have to post some pics of what we get up to to be able to survive the apocalypse!  Bet you are all dyyyyying to know what our theme is….  Not telling!!!

Jay 🙂

Day 29 & 30

Day #29 and Day #30

Both these days went out the window, I think they followed Day 28.  Walked 29, No run/walk 30.  Didn’t track either days on MFP, so basically screwed my January Challenge ha!
On a mre serious note, I weighed myself on returning from my holiday, and it seems I have put on 1.7kg, which is a bit shithouse, but I am also aware that I usually weigh on a Tuesday/Wednesday 12pm/9am,  so there are some inaccuracies to my home-weigh.  My scales are a wee bit out compared to the WW Meeting Scales, so I dunno, will just have to run my ass off into next week!
I get a bit complacent and comfortable when my husband is home, I don’t seem to lose as much, if I lose at all, and sometimes even put on 😐  Which has nothing to do with him, it is all me and my inability to care about what goes in my mouth!
Well I think I am really bad at trying to justify the shit out of the reasons I make poor choices, i.e. I am on Holiday, Jared is home, I have got *such and such* to go to.  Again, I am full of shit and choose not to plan around these things.  Well I did semi-plan for my holiday, but those portion sizes I set out with and had every intention of keeping to, those portion sizes grew in size to probably almost double.
But I guess the one thing that I do right, is I keep going, I get my shit together and I carry on.

Tomorrow without a doubt I will run, Rain or shine, whether or not I feel like shit, Ima be out there trying to melt away the 2 extra kg I gained while away.  I did really enjoy those 2 extra kgs lol But that affair will only be shortlived!

None 😦
Outlook for tomorrow:

Jay 🙂